Engine bag got wet now no power when trying to start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine bag got wet now no power when trying to start


Well-Known Member
January 11, 2015
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City, State
Mount dora , Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 explorer xlt 4x4
so I went mudding today all stock not big wheel and I saw a huddle 6" deep said #### it I'm gunning it I sunk and my exhaust didn't even go under the water
and I barely got out I don't have any lights on or anything and I may of flooded the engine bay lol water washed up to the hood now my horn sounds half working will it dry out or am I ####ed
Car hesitated after being off for a half hour am I ####ed
Now the truck won't even start I turn the key lights flicker than no power ?? Let it dry out and try it again ??

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If you were hood deep in water, you might of sucked water into your engine, or if a lot water splashed through the grill opening it may have got sucked into your intake through the air box. Not sure if that means 6 inches or 6 foot.

Do the lights, radio, power locks and windows, accessories work when the key is on, is it just the engine won't crank?

You could try removing the air box cover and hose assembly to the throttle body and seeing if any water or mud got in there, if not possibly alternator got soaked or something.

so I went mudding today all stock not big wheel and I saw a huddle 6" deep said #### it I'm gunning it I sunk and my exhaust didn't even go under the water
and I barely got out I don't have any lights on or anything and I may of flooded the engine bay lol water washed up to the hood now my horn sounds half working will it dry out or am I ####ed
Car hesitated after being off for a half hour am I ####ed
Now the truck won't even start I turn the key lights flicker than no power ?? Let it dry out and try it again ??

1:15 pm eastern time
Got the truck started up left it on for a bit turned it off , let the radio stay on go to start it about 30 minutes later hesitation then start ? So I'm getting somewhere I guess I should just let it keep drying

Do EXACTLY what just1me said before running the engine any more. If the horn got wet, chances are the air box did also.
Very likely you have a wet air filter and water in the engine oi if it appears milky.

How do I open up the air box ?? No videos around

I was reading about the air box and a lot of people said they've broke them trying to get them off ? Any good tips to prevent this

There's a very small amount of water ill vaccum it out

Actually quite a bit of water maybe 6 ounces and filter is a bit wet hoping with the filter sun drying I'll be all good

Good news no water in the oil

Great news never again am I submarining this is giving me the scare out of hell...

If there is water in your air box then there's a good chance some got sucked into the engine cylinders as well. If it were me, I would pull a spark plug or a few of them and check the cylinders for water, if there is water in the cylinders it be best to pull all the spark plugs and get it out.

Alright going to take a look right now let you know in a minute

Plugs are dry still hesitating going to let the truck sit till tomorrow before next start attempt

Completely dry out the intake, remove ALL the spark plugs, and crank the engine in short intervals to expel any remaining moisture.

Replace the plugs and run the engine another 30 minutes minimum. Spray WD-40 or similar on electrical parts that were submerged.

if you already ran it for 30 minutes there is no water in the cylinders, moisture could still be getting in if there is water pooling in the intake track but after 30 minutes i would think its all gone now...if water gets on the top of the 4.6 the coil packs dont like getting wet... 4.0 will not have this problem... take the intake tube off and shake it to see if there is water inside.. i gunned my 4.0 through something like 2' of water at 40mph was fun and nothing bad happened

Okay so truck say for close to 5 hours and I walk out try to start it , it started to crank then died , I said #### retired it then a little hesitation and it came to the life , the spark plug I checked was dry so how ####ed am I

The water was only over the hood for maybe 7 seconds tops

if water was over the hood for 7 seconds then that would make me think water was rushing in from the grill... the intake for the airbox is in the grill left of the right headlight... wouldn't this area have been under water also... I hope just electrical connections got wet and water was not sucked into the combustion chambers because bent rods and valve train damage could be hard to diagnose let alone the expense of replacing.... I take a power washer to my engine from time to time and have never soaked anything to make it run bad but I dont do it when the engine is hot either

The thing that throws me is , if it is bad why didn't my engine stall? And after I came out of the water I turned it on and off a few times to make sure it was okay...

Can anyone link me to a good spark plug removal video because I heard these spark plugs break super easy...

Can anyone link me to a good spark plug removal video because I heard these spark plugs break super easy...

ive never heard of the 4.0's breaking plugs I know the 4.6's from 2008.5 and under did this
I personally feel pulling plugs is not going to tell you anything... pull each of the plugs from the coil pack and see if they have water inside.... if I remember you do have a 4.0 right....coil could be soaked

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i dont have a manual... all 6 of the spark plug wires lead to a rectangle block that is the coil it could be wet and causing a missfire
