Engine hesitates with temperature change... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine hesitates with temperature change...


New Member
December 24, 2007
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I have a 2001, 4.0, 4WD, Ranger, 78K miles. The engine hesitates while driving around 55-65mph when the temperature is in the 35-40 degree range (these are the speeds I notice it most...it has done it at slower speeds as well). With a constant throttle setting, while crusing down the interstate, it will miss or hesitate like it is going to quit, only for a second, and then it will run fine for a while, like a mile or two or three. As long as I am accelerating it runs fine.

But...it does not always do this. It started last winter. As it seems to be temperature related. When the temp is around 35-40 (more or less) it will hesitate...although, not always. Once the temps warmed up for the spring and summer, I had no problems. But now that winter is here and passing through the 35-40 degree range, it is starting the hesitation again.

There are no codes set.

I took it to the Ford garage, but of course it was not acting up as the temp was in the 20's that day and they could not or would not give me any clues as to what the trouble might be related to.

Since it seems to be temp related, is that a function of the MAF sensor? Or is there another sensor that measures temperature that could be failing? Or should I be looking at something else?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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your problem may be / is likely a bad tps.... cheap to replace as a "first shot".
