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Engine on cold starts


April 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
San Antonio, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 E.B.
Questions on when I start my 98 EB in the cold mornings it always die's. I have to pressing the gas pelal to keeping it running. Suggestions ( tune up, Clean the TB??) after a few minutes from warning up, the Tack shows 4.5 rpms is to low for warning up, and get goes up and down. My ex has 112K, and it's only been tuned once at 75K.

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Search on 00M12. I'm sure that's your problem.


My truck started out this way last winter. It would take like 5 min to start and when it finally did start it ran very crappy and the check engine light would come on. Dont know what the problem was, but since then it starts hard on most cold mornings. Ive yet to find the problem and sold it to my brother. Now it's bugging the hell out of him.

I would check the battery and Alt, even check your battery cables.

Have you found codes or anything?

i belive that it is the recall for the lower intake manifold and timing chain tensioners for the 4.0 shoc had the recall fixed for free on mine and it fixed that problem the car also seemed to have more power after the lean condition that was fixed with the gaskets. do you have a check engine light on

Yes, my check engine light is on. I talked to Ford Mechanic yesterday and told my intake gasket need to be replaced. He said it was not covered on the recall. I'm trying to find out if it's covered on my extend warranty now.

how much does it cost to fix the 00m12

$50 to do it yourself with the kit from Ford.

$650 for Ford to do it for you unless you are under the 6year 60K miles then Ford does it for free.

Good Luck
Mike H
