Engine ping or knocking, try this...... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine ping or knocking, try this......


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February 27, 2000
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I had this problem of knocking or ping when I put my X under load (passing). I tryed just about eveything until this past weekend my X had a very serious ignition problem. It was miss-firing, and ran like crap. I even had this bad smell coming from the exaust. I changed the plugs, another set of +4's, these were due anyways but I still had this problem, like the spark was not enough for the engine. So I took a chance, spent $125.00 on a new coil pack. Well I can say it's like a new X. Better fuel economy, better starts, and NO KNOCKING OR PING while making a pass, and I am using 87 octane fuel.

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I have the same problems similar to that on my 96. i have horrible engine knock w/ 93 octane gas, in 1st gear, and then it goes away a bit once it shifts and a little more after each shift. i mean, maybe this could be whats wrong on my 96, any ways to tell if its faulty?:)

try this....

But just don't forget I took a chance, and to me it seemed to work. I am also using new factory wires also. Today I was on the highway and opened it up, just to see if it was, with the 87 octane it never knocked or pinged, even tyied it at a dead stop and mashed the gas still no pinging. It use to ping even when I did that. The brand name of the coil I purchased too is a WELLS. At my local Canadian Tire store. All I am say here is that some things work and others don't. I have seen lots of posts here of differant methods, and they worked for them, and I tried them too. Hope you all good luck in trying to get rid of that problem. Later:)

Originally posted by aldive
What did the coil pack cost you?



I little birdie told me it will cost around $125.

Is that $125 US or CAD????

ESPN - Unless you have a superchip, you shouldn't be running 93 octane. If you've been running 93 long enough, the knock/ping is probably carbon buildup from using the wrong octane gas.

Try this....

That is $125.00 CND . No I do not have a chip in mine, yet. Thinking about in the next year.

What is the best chip to buy?::D

Originally posted by TPLYNCH
Unless you have a superchip, you shouldn't be running 93 octane. If you've been running 93 long enough, the knock/ping is probably carbon buildup from using the wrong octane gas.

Please explain this?



The 4 liters were built to run on 87 octane fuel, not 92/93. Running 92/93 with do more damage than good because the timing is set for 87 octane. With a chip, the ignition is advanced for better performance with 92/93 octane.

Performance chip

I would like to know, what is the best brand of chip, is best for the explorer? I heard that when installing the chip you must clean the contacts, is that true? I am seriously looking into a chip for the next year. Is the chip worth the gain? From the cost of high test fuel, to the actual preformance. Just want to know what others say about this.

I have a Superchip. From what I read it sounded to me to be the best one so that's what I got. It is great! Well worth taking the time and money to put it in.

Using 93 octane in your Explorer will only hurt your wallet not your engine.

Originally posted by Paul Gagnon
Using 93 octane in your Explorer will only hurt your wallet not your engine.
On the contrary. Heavy carbon build-up will occur from using a higher octane than necessary. Engine performance will decrease more and more as the carbon builds, up to the point where it basically runs like a piece of crap. I know this from first hand experience. Not on my vehicle, I know better, but on friends' vehicles and customers' vehicles.
I'll agree on hurting the wallet though. Paying to have the entire intake system taken apart and decarbonized, especially when heads and valves have to be removed will hurt it pretty bad.

If your vehicle calls for 87 octane. Use 87 octane. If you get some knocking and pinging, bump it up to 89 octane. (carbon build-up isn't as bad as pre-detonation, damaging wise) If you're having to use 93 and it still ain't right, then you have more to worry about than what octane gas to use.

Some of you need to check into a mechanic class. Too high grade gas does not cause carbon buildup. Your ignition not being powerful enough to completely burn the fuel causes carbon buildup. The higher octane actually burns better. The pinging all of you are talking about is detenation. Look into it. That is how you can set the timing in a vehicle by ear is to listen for the ping. Keep advancing your timing until you hear it a WOT and then back down until it's gone and that should be a optimal timing setting to not use a light. I don't suggest to keep listening to it because you will grenade your motor after too much playing. Just trying to be helpful and save some people some money.

Originally posted by 2001ExpSport

The 4 liters were built to run on 87 octane fuel, not 92/93. Running 92/93 with do more damage than good because the timing is set for 87 octane. With a chip, the ignition is advanced for better performance with 92/93 octane.

Sorry, but that is simply not true.

The use of 92/93 gas will only cost you the extra money for the gas, it will not harm the engine in any way.

I'm not gonna pretend to be some sort of expert on gasoline engines but what I do know is that my dad's taurus runs great on 87 octane but runs terrible on 93.

Here's my explanation on octane rating for those who care. Take the same cylinder, same compression ratio and same spark source and the 87 octane fuel wil combust sooner than the 93 octane will. Now at first glance that may seem backwards as one may think that 93 should combust more quickly because high performace engines use higher octane fuel. The real reason they use higher octane fuel is because high performace engines run at higher compression ratios. That is why they need a slower combusting fuel. If they used 87 the higher pressure would make the fuel combust to soon and they would get pre-detenation(bad). The slower combusting fuel allows the cylinder chamber to create higher pressure producing more power. That is why in our simple 4.0L engines only require 87 and run poorly on anything higher. However, if your engine has developed a knock one of many reasons may be that you have carbon deposits to the point that your compression ratio has been increased and the 87 octane is combusting to quickly giving you pre-detonation and it would go away with higher octane fuel. But there are also a number of other reasons for an engine to ping.

I'm on my 4th tank of premium and loving it! I'm going to get the chip very soon, so it wont hurt my engine to run it early? so when i install the chip it will take immediate effect

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I tyied 87 octane before I installed the new coil and I still got the ping but worse, use 90 octane the ping was still there but at a higher rpm, then I tried high test 93.5 octane and it only pinged if I was passing someone but at a higher rpm yet. I put this new coil on and I filled the x with just 87, the ping was gone no matter what rpm range. I am just glad it's gone. Before I changed the coil I used a sparkplug wire tester, and found that the bank wuth the shortes wires had the better spark. Then when I went to the left side, where the wires are longer, the spark was not good. After changing the coil I found that both side are equal. When I had this pinging it seemed to happen only on the left side, is where I heard it the most. Anyways...:)
