Engine running 3 hours later | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine running 3 hours later

The Ex does alert you, it says it on the left mft screen when you walk away from it lol.

I agree, there should be a soft tone or chirp to alert you.

LOL, I'll have to make it part of my routine to roll down the window, close the door, poke my head in to make sure I am not missing any vital messages on the screen, open the door again to roll up the window, and then walk away somewhat confident the car has no more to show me :D

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What happens if you try to lock the doors with the Ex running via the fob?

What happens if you try to lock the doors with the Ex running via the fob?
While the Ex is running, you can lock it with the fob, the keypad and the button on the handle. It will not lock if you use the lock/unlock pad on the inside of the door. If you use that lock pad, the door lock buttons go down but then almost immediately come back up.


So I guess that as you walk away from the Explorer and press the lock on the FOB the Explorer doesn't warn you of this (My 2007 Infiniti chirped loudly to let you know engine was running). This sucks as the engine will run itself out of gas and then proceed to drain your battery. Has anyone else had this happen yet?
