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Engine Shut off while driving.Happens Radomly


New Member
February 19, 2017
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Ford Explorer 2007
Dear All,

I have a 2007 ford explorer advance trac version. My car stalls in middle of driving . When i try to start again i cant hear any crank sound I have to wait a couple of minutes before it swiches back on . When it switches off i get low fuel warning but i already have 3/4 fuel level. I might suspect a fuel pump issue but the thing is when i try to start there is no sound of the starter at all. Battery seems ok as well. What you guys suggest here. Does this model have a inertial switch .? It might be faulty. What things should i get checked.

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crud in the tank blocking the pump suction? Isn't there a fuel cutoff switch on the passenger side for an accident?
First I would take it to autozone (etc) and ask them to check the codes.

Our vehicles do have an inertia sensor. You can see the red reset button in the passenger footwell. Is your CEL on? I'd try to pull a code. Usually when a car dies while driving it means your alternator is going out, but when was the last time you replaced the battery?

Next time it happens, see if there is power to anything before trying to restart it... radio, headlights.

Dear All,

I have a 2007 ford explorer advance trac version. My car stalls in middle of driving . When i try to start again i cant hear any crank sound I have to wait a couple of minutes before it swiches back on . When it switches off i get low fuel warning but i already have 3/4 fuel level. I might suspect a fuel pump issue but the thing is when i try to start there is no sound of the starter at all. Battery seems ok as well. What you guys suggest here. Does this model have a inertial switch .? It might be faulty. What things should i get checked.
Dear All,

I have a 2007 ford explorer advance trac version. My car stalls in middle of driving . When i try to start again i cant hear any crank sound I have to wait a couple of minutes before it swiches back on . When it switches off i get low fuel warning but i already have 3/4 fuel level. I might suspect a fuel pump issue but the thing is when i try to start there is no sound of the starter at all. Battery seems ok as well. What you guys suggest here. Does this model have a inertial switch .? It might be faulty. What things should i get checked.
It is your map senor

Dear All,

I have a 2007 ford explorer advance trac version. My car stalls in middle of driving . When i try to start again i cant hear any crank sound I have to wait a couple of minutes before it swiches back on . When it switches off i get low fuel warning but i already have 3/4 fuel level. I might suspect a fuel pump issue but the thing is when i try to start there is no sound of the starter at all. Battery seems ok as well. What you guys suggest here. Does this model have a inertial switch .? It might be faulty. What things should i get checked.
Did anyone resolved this. I have exactly the same issue and cant figure it out.

Did anyone resolved this. I have exactly the same issue and cant figure it out.
just checking, it doesnt even crank right? if it cranks then im guessing fuel pump. if not, are there any codes

Hey, did you figure it out what is causing this problem?
Had somewhat of a similar issue, engine cutting out randomly and then went to no start condition, rest - then started fine after a few hours....PCM relay was on the way out - swapped with another relay in fusebox (wiper?), issue has not come up since

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