Engine sounds (How to improve?) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine sounds (How to improve?)


Explorer Addict
July 16, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 + 11 Ex both XLT
The 3.5 liter is a nice engine that saves you on gas but it doesn't provide that tough roar sound the cologne V6 OHV gave me on my 95. Anyway I can tweak it to give me a deeper, nice loud engine sound? I just hate the quiet interior! I want to hear that power.

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Seriously?......the engineers spend millions tuning the exhaust and deadening the sound, we have very expensive sound glass and you want more noise?

You bought the wrong vehicle.

You need a Mustang GT500

Turn off radio.
Open windows.
Open moonroof.
Maybe remove air filter.
Maybe remove some or most of your carpet.
Remove OEM exhaust system, including cats.
Put a piece of black electrical tape over your Check Engine Light.
Post VIN# here, for future buyers.
ROCK ON, my friend!:)

The 3.5 liter is a nice engine that saves you on gas but it doesn't provide that tough roar sound the cologne V6 OHV gave me on my 95. Anyway I can tweak it to give me a deeper, nice loud engine sound? I just hate the quiet interior! I want to hear that power.

easy, just install more speakers and add a subwoofer facing outside and play a CD or audio file with the engine roar that you want to hear or you want others to hear! :p:

I just don't like the little whine sound the engine makes. I was hoping that I could maybe find a modification like adding a bar like they do on the mustang to deepen the sound.

I just don't like the little whine sound the engine makes. I was hoping that I could maybe find a modification like adding a bar like they do on the mustang to deepen the sound.

adding a bar? what bar?
^^^ What he said. What bar???

If your talking about the bar that goes from strut tower to strut tower, that isn't for sound LOL :crazy: that is used for stiffening up the body and improving handling. Again LOL!!!!!!!!

Hmm, interesting. I just thought there would be a way to deepen the sound without messing with the exhaust. Reason this came up is because my engine makes a whining noise and I'm wondering if that's normal or not.

By the way, that little device is pretty cool haha. Although I don't think I'm that desperate for cool noise.

I agree about wanting a bit more sound, just a bit, and only when at full throttle. I love the fact that they have done away with so much of the wind, road, tranny, etc. noise.

I haven't seen the exhaust on the Explorer to know the parts but some vehicles have a resonator and a muffler that are two separate pieces. In those cases it is possible to simply remove the resonator and replace it with a straight section of pipe. Very low cost and potentially easily reversed, depending on the way the system is built.

If you do try something, please post a video of before and after.
