Engine swap / tranny ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine swap / tranny ?

Kyle K.

Well-Known Member
March 19, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
New Bern, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
Hey guys been a while since I've been on, been working and busy buying a house ( watches money fly away ). Anyway finally ready to replace my 91 4.0 with the 97 4.0 I have and pulled the clutch off the 91 engine only to find that the crank has 6 bolts where the crank on the 97 engine (which had an auto tranny) has 8. So what are my options here? Can I just use the flywheel from a 97 era manual truck? Do I have to have something made? Do I need to weld in the old flywheel and have my machinist drill 8 holes? (would this survive?) Any options would be greatly appreciated.

Thanx, Kyle

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C'mon guys someones gotta know the answer to this question. Until I know I can't go any further with my engine replacement.

I don't see why you shouldn't be able to use a flywheel from a 97.

spline count and diameter

The reason i was asking is because although i am sure the 97 flywheel will bolt up i wasn't sure if the thickness, and the spline count and shaft diameter were also going to work

You need the manual flywheel for the 8 bolt crank.
I dont unerstand the spline count part- you mean ring gear teeth for the starter?
I dont know about the pilot diameter, but I would assume its the same.
Doug904 would be a good source for the swap info.
Try Doug@4.0performance.com
I pulled his e-mail from his site.
