Ex on the beach | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ex on the beach


Active Member
February 23, 2010
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City, State
Manheim Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 mnty,03 100th,05 lmtd
I was interested to see how many of us were into surf fishing. thinking it would be pretty cool to share related projects to our ex's , experiences , problems , solutions , and ideas........

here are some pictures of my 05' limited's maiden voyage to delaware.
have already started some projects , ones that i can afford right now, have many more planned , but isn't that always the case:D
I would love to see some pics and hear about what others are doing..
please post your ideas . it would be great to find some other people that share the same interests...:thumbsup:

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Not everyday you can see the moon on a nice sunny day!

nice x u got there

Not everyday you can see the moon on a nice sunny day!
OMG !!!!!!
my wife was sooooo pissed off that I put that picture on here.
I dumped all my pictures on photobucket and picked a couple , that was not the one I wanted butt, lol...:rolleyes: thats the won I must have copied and pasted. boy am i in the dog house :(.....
so please guys be kind with the comments , unless you have an extra room....

CRAP !!! i was also supposed to tell everyone that it was a wide angle lense on my camera... help !

looks good to me. and was the extra room for her when she leaves you?? lol its all good man

I used to do some surf fishing from mine....actually had the rods on a surf pole rail that attached to my 2" front receiver (now taken off).

I moved from the coast, now in the mountains....so no more surf fishing, but pics of my X on the beach in NC are in my signature pages :)


Fish on the beach in Brigantine NJ. Just curious, do you air down in Delaware? I have an 04 Explorer and have been on the beach in Brig at least 50 times. Got stuck only once. It was my own stupidity. I wasn't paying attention and drove into some soft sand. It happened right after I got my truck. Since, no problems. Watched others get stuck including a Dodge Ram and Chevy Silverado. Your truck looks great. You need a front hitch so you can install a cooler rack. When I head to the shore I have the cooler rack in front, a bike rack in the rear and ski racks on top to hold the fishing rods. You can carry lots of stuff. What is it like driving on the beaches in Delaware?

hey gaff it, don't know where bobwiersema lives or even if he fishes. bob was just helping me hide the picture of my wifes hiney. :D
look further up in the postings. as far as it goes for me , i used to go surf fishing allot . i did have an f-150 set up for my business , as well as surf fishing .
installed cabinetry and trim allot over in NJ. then hitched the fairy over to lewes. i had 285's on my f-150 , and it still struggled a little if i didn't air-down.
20-25 lbs seemed to work good.
haven't fished since 04' . now think it's time to get back into it. first time out with my 05' limited , i wanted to try not airing down , the stock 245/65/17's . didn't work so well. luckily knew how to drive or i would have been stuck . after i parked , took the psi down to 20lbs , worked wonders :thumbsup:...........

I like this post!!

lone, only comment I will make on your pics--could use 2 Corona Bottles like in the Corona commercials. Looks that relaxing with the fishing poles etc.

:thumbsup: oh yeah!!! the first trip down was the first with the ex, dry run forgot the beer.
next trip down went by myself caught a bunch of these

brought a thermos of coffee and a pack of blacks for the morning , and a cooler of carona for lunch . man what an awsome day :D.....

hey gaff it, don't know where bobwiersema lives or even if he fishes. bob was just helping me hide the picture of my wifes hiney. :D
look further up in the postings. as far as it goes for me , i used to go surf fishing allot . i did have an f-150 set up for my business , as well as surf fishing .
installed cabinetry and trim allot over in NJ. then hitched the fairy over to lewes. i had 285's on my f-150 , and it still struggled a little if i didn't air-down.
20-25 lbs seemed to work good.
haven't fished since 04' . now think it's time to get back into it. first time out with my 05' limited , i wanted to try not airing down , the stock 245/65/17's . didn't work so well. luckily knew how to drive or i would have been stuck . after i parked , took the psi down to 20lbs , worked wonders :thumbsup:...........

Never air down in Brigantine. No need too. Just have to watch where you travel.

Now is the time to get back into it. Lots of nice fish being caught. Go get 'em!!!

i like going to cape henalopen normally , that's where i used to fish allot .
they have been closing the point down this time of year, for some years now. some kind of shore bird nests there . it used to be the best spot. anywho , the worst place and the easiest to get stuck is right as soon as you get through the dune crossings . we call it the fluff. deep soft unpacked sand , once you get past that it's not bad at all . used to fish in virginia beach , where we were no place to drive out so you had to carry all your junk . way better to drive out with your rig and have all your stuff right there .......

lol @ the wife stuff.

But looks like a good time. For me, I do the same concept as you fishing, but on ICE. :)

I try to stay away from the beach after getting my truck stuck in salt water for 6 or 7 hours with the engine submerged. Luckily the tide was all the way up, so I just had to sit and wait for it to go down to pull it out, instead of sitting and watching the truck go under.

i like going to cape henalopen normally , that's where i used to fish allot .
they have been closing the point down this time of year, for some years now. some kind of shore bird nests there . it used to be the best spot. anywho , the worst place and the easiest to get stuck is right as soon as you get through the dune crossings . we call it the fluff. deep soft unpacked sand , once you get past that it's not bad at all . used to fish in virginia beach , where we were no place to drive out so you had to carry all your junk . way better to drive out with your rig and have all your stuff right there .......
I drove down to Georgetown Delaware last year to pick up my cooler rack. There's a guy there, Rockandreds, who does some nice work. He put a sand spike holder on the back of my cooler rack. Now everything is attached to the outside of my truck. He fishes some of the same spots you mentioned and does quite well. Nothing better than a rig fully loaded to fish the beach. Did the walkon thing for many years. It's difficult to find the fish. Like I said earlier, my explorer does rather well in Brigantine. Lots of Expeditions on the beach too. They are sand eating machines. They glide over it.

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little x,
hey man , had a scare the last trip . the beach where i fish has really flatened out , it used to drop off hard. so now when the tide goes out it goes way out . had been there since high tide in the morning . so when the tide went out , i figured that i'd back down closer .
it was getting time to leave , packed up my junk , went to hit the key..........
click....click....click...... crap!!! by this time tide was coming back in and there was hardly anybody on the beach . guess what i forgot to bring this trip ?
luckily the last guy way down at the end had jumper cables . i offered him $20 for his troubles , he just smiled and said no thanks , maybe it'll be me needin help next time ......:notworthy
