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exhaust tip


Well-Known Member
February 18, 2009
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Metairie, LA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLT
This friday I'm going down to the muffler shop to get my resonator cut off and I'm also getting a new tip. Can yall show me some pictures of your tips on your xs? I want to see how they look on this car.

This is the one that I have right now it's a little dirty.

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heres a vid on my page that shows my exhaust tip. Its 3 1/2 out. Its pretty damn big but i like it lol. (It came with my exhaust ^_^)

lol well it wont quite be like that but id say go with a flowmaster 50 delta series muffler and you will probably be pretty happy ^_^ what do you have on there now?

lol well it wont quite be like that but id say go with a flowmaster 50 delta series muffler and you will probably be pretty happy ^_^ what do you have on there now?

I have a flowmaster 40 and I like it. I thought it was going to be way louder though and that on the highway the drone would be too much. Its not so bad,

getting rid of the resonator will help it get louder but it may start to sound a bit raspy

from the videos that I've seen on youtube it doesn't sound that bad but then again its youtube


My friend talked me out of getting my resonator cut so I just got the new tip. I like the tip and it actually deepened the tone on the exhaust

ZOSO how did you get the tip to slant off to the side like that.

I had it done at the muffler shop. At first the guy told me it couldn't be done because it goes out straight so I told him to look at it the piping and right before it goes straight it bends off to the side

Here is mine. Just a cheap chrome bolt on 2 1/2 in, 3" out from Advance Auto.


how do you remove those? ive been trying to loosen mine with PB blaster but it wont work.
