Exhaust | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
July 12, 2005
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City, State
Leominster, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Eddie Bauer Explorer
Hey Guys,

I have spent hours reading the threads about exhausts for SOHC. I have a 00EB V6 SOHC and I have a small leak on the pipe exiting my muffler. I am looking to replace the muffler, and found a Walker muffler for $51 from Rockauto (this is only a 30 warranty). Should I pay another $30 to buy a lifetime warranty on the same muffler?

My question, is should I also replace the tailpipe and do a catback or just replace the muffler? Does anyone have experience with Walker Quiet-Flow 3 mufflers? I can also buy the tailpipe which includes the resonator from Rock Auto for $68.

The car has 141,000 miles, so I am also wondering if I should buy stainless steel or just aluminized steel?

Thanks for the help!


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Nobody has replaced an exhaust on their Explorer?

If it's all original, with 141k, I'd be inclined to the the catback but would not go with stainless steel. Also, if it's just a small leak in back of the muffler, have you tried muffler cement or JB Weld on it?

Marragtop - I appreciate your reply! No, I have not tried muffler cement or JB Weld on it but does this stuff normally work?

I can get a catback for less than $120 with clamps etc., so I thought that was pretty reasonable.

If my wife didn't drive the car sometimes, I would look into a flowmaster or MAC :).

You probably won't be able to save much of the stock exhaust when you go to replace that muffler. Just get the cat back...you will be very happy you did.

Cobraguy - thanks for the reply! I am thinking that a cat-back would be the way to go as well.

It all depends on what you want, If you're looking for a Stock muffler, they can get very expensive along with the tailpipe. I had mine done at a shop and it was 520. And they couldn't even get it right. If you're going to replace it, there are many aftermarket that will add hp tq, and aren't loud. there is the flow master 70 series as an example, that is very tame as far as noise, but adds a nice rumble in tone and performance for about that same price as a stock muffler. Hopefully this helps


Thanks guys.. I have ordered a new catback exhaust!

