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explorer express grille


Well-Known Member
November 21, 2003
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Sunnyvale, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport

i'm thinking about getting the upper grille for my 04

does anybody have this? opinions?

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How much? Looks nice to.

looks like it might be a stull brand billet grille. not 100% sure. decent quality. ebya has a stainless steel one for like 80 bucks shipped, looks just like that one but wont rust.

diaz said:
How much? Looks nice to.

its $150 on the website

it is the 'stull' brand

here is a link to where it can be had for $75 shipped: stull billet grille

its the exact same one. polished and all. includes upper and lower.

I have the one from eBay:


I would recommend it as a cheaper option, however, you should note that some of the ones on eBay can be iffy. The first one I received did not have straight bars. I was sent a free replacement by the seller though. If I had the cash, I would do the T-Rex billet, which has the polished trim to go on the outside. If your plastic OEM grille has been on for a few years, your truck may have some slight paint wear on the outside.

my "winter" billet grilles are from ebay. they were my all around ones until it started to oxidize. now i have trenz grilles. im going to sell those and buy the stainless ones from ebay.

White97Jimmy said:
I have the one from eBay:


I would recommend it as a cheaper option, however, you should note that some of the ones on eBay can be iffy. The first one I received did not have straight bars. I was sent a free replacement by the seller though. If I had the cash, I would do the T-Rex billet, which has the polished trim to go on the outside. If your plastic OEM grille has been on for a few years, your truck may have some slight paint wear on the outside.

that's the look i'm going for.. those grilles bolt into the stock locations right? i don't want some POS zip tie holding my grille on haha. what seller did you buy from?

pimp03explorer said:
here is a link to where it can be had for $75 shipped: stull billet grille

its the exact same one. polished and all. includes upper and lower.

The website says this one is for the 02-03, will it fit the 04 too?

slugmike said:
The website says this one is for the 02-03, will it fit the 04 too?
is it stanless? If not, what's the best stainless one to get, w/ the stainless or chrome frame?

slugmike said:
The website says this one is for the 02-03, will it fit the 04 too?

yep, it will fit all 3rd gens (02-05) model.

emas said:
is it stanless? If not, what's the best stainless one to get, w/ the stainless or chrome frame?

the one that i provided a link to is NOT stainless. if you want one to last id go with the polished stainless steel. around my area i have two grilles, one for the spring and summer and one for the winter months. the salt they use around here is a killer. here is a link to the stainless ones: stainless upper and stainless lower

pimp03explorer said:
the one that i provided a link to is NOT stainless. if you want one to last id go with the polished stainless steel. around my area i have two grilles, one for the spring and summer and one for the winter months. the salt they use around here is a killer. here is a link to the stainless ones: stainless upper and stainless lower
Thanks, I think that is more what I'm looking for. I have the same challenge with salt in NE, but don't have the passion to be changing grill with the seasons.
If one was looking to buy one quality grill that would last the life of the car and still hold a shine what would it be? Doesn't necessarily need to be stainless but it does need to last. So far I've heard T-REX and the stainless ones you referenced, are there others? Will T-REX hold its shine over time??

emas said:
Thanks, I think that is more what I'm looking for. I have the same challenge with salt in NE, but don't have the passion to be changing grill with the seasons.
If one was looking to buy one quality grill that would last the life of the car and still hold a shine what would it be? Doesn't necessarily need to be stainless but it does need to last. So far I've heard T-REX and the stainless ones you referenced, are there others? Will T-REX hold its shine over time??

no problem.

nothing is going to last THAT long with the salt theyre using today. the stainless steel is your best bet to last the longest under those conditions. there are several others: t-rex, trenz, stull, carriage works, ebay ones, and i may have forgotten one or two.

so are there any independant evaluation of the various ones you mentioned?

all of them are good in their own respect. each is billet aluminum, with the exception of the SS one i mentioned. the t-rex, IMO, is the best looking because it offers the lower molding along the outside of the upper grille. i just purchased a stull and the quality is supposed to be decent. right now i have an ebay one on and it works well. i bough a trenz but just sold it because im going with the SS one. im not a fan of the carriage works grille because the bars are too far apart and you can see behind them too clearly.

I'll have to agree that the T-Rex id the best looking and the one I puchased. The lower molding really sets it apart from all the others, and it only took me 20 min to install - but if price is your issue then go for Stull.

robl said:
I'll have to agree that the T-Rex id the best looking and the one I puchased. The lower molding really sets it apart from all the others, and it only took me 20 min to install - but if price is your issue then go for Stull.
Where's the cheapest/best place to pick up a T-Rex?

i would do a yahoo or google search for "02 explorer t-rex" and shop around for the best price. there are two different t-rex grilles available. one has the lower molding and the other, i believe, doesnt. make sure you get the correct one.

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Those grilles look sweet on the newer explorers

