Explorer Headers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Headers

Big Holly

July 21, 2021
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2006 Explorer Eddie Bauer
Hi, I've searched several other threads and forums with no luck. Apparently no one makes a set of headers for a 4.6 3v Explorer.
I've had a manifold tik for a while now and it's finally to the point where I can't stand it anymore. I've looked before for headers and thought I found some, but I can't remember who made them, and it seems they were stupid expensive.
Has anyone tried using Mustang or F150 headers? I know the engine bay doesn't have the same amount of room, but it seems that maybe some shorty block huggers would work? If anyone has any suggestions it'd be greatly appreciated. I'm tired of searching with no luck.
Thank you

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never seen suitable plug and play gen4 headers. Because of the shock towers there is almost no space for non-casting made manifold (oem design).
but custom made headers should be alright or maybe mustang headers needs to be modified.

try forum search.

From what I've read it's the steering shaft that gets in the way, but apparently a little bit of hammering on some shorty headers is supposed to work

From what I've read it's the steering shaft that gets in the way, but apparently a little bit of hammering on some shorty headers is supposed to work
Have you seen or heard of anyone doing this? I figured the steering shaft would be an issue, and bazz270 probably isn't wrong about the strut towers being tight too, but I figured the right set and enough working em would fit. Just don't wanna spend several hundred dollars on a set of nice headers (currently looking at Hooker Blackhearts or BBK equal length) just to have em not end up working.

Start looking around for used headers from a mustang(2006-2010 GT). You could probably get a set for cheap, that way you aren't out too much money if it doesn't work out

What is the bajor benefits of using welded headers instead of oem manifold casting design?

if it were that simple I’m pretty sure it’d have popped up here several times.

What is the bajor benefits of using welded headers instead of oem manifold casting design?
Mainly sound, slight horsepower gain, and after reading up on it some, it sounds like the oem designs had a tendency to warp causing leaks.

interesting...no any reviews or reliable photos found about this mode

interesting...no any reviews or reliable photos found about this mode
I had read about the oem manifolds warping on a different forum site. I'm not sure how much truth there is to it but it seemed to be a pretty common consensus among the members there.

They are warping.
But it takes a while..

Exhaust manifold leaks are very common on these engines. Listen for a ticking sound when cold, that'll likely be either the manifold leaking or the cam lifters

Exhaust manifold leaks are very common on these engines. Listen for a ticking sound when cold, that'll likely be either the manifold leaking or the cam lifters
I definitely have a tick. I know it's an exhaust leak (can trace it down to the back two cylinders on driver's side). I'm just not the kinda person to repair something and do it stock. I needed struts and ended up putting a 3in lift in. Needed tires and bought some 33x10.5. I've got an old Lincoln that blew a head gasket and has gotten cammed, new water pump, GT40 intake, heads milled and a 5 angle valve job and more than I can remember right now. I just figure, if there's a way to do headers, I'd rather throw some headers on that I know are less likely to warp before the car itself dies.

If you have an access to TIG welding machine and good aluminized steel piping and flat plates stock with suitable bending tools you can measure in-hood dimensions and DIY.

Nothing special with proper warehouse tools.

Cant imagine the way to modify existing headers with hammer...

If you have an access to TIG welding machine and good aluminized steel piping and flat plates stock with suitable bending tools you can measure in-hood dimensions and DIY.

Nothing special with proper warehouse tools.

Cant imagine the way to modify existing headers with hammer...
I don't have a welder, bending told and where I'm at, there's not many places that sell good piping it today stock steel
