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Explorer Oil Filters

I would suggest you look at the comparison chart that shows OEM filters vs aftermarket.

Do a search on this forum sub section for oil filters, members here have posted some interesting review's on what makes OEM #1 for quality.

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Change went good. The underbody of these things are so clean.
I waited last minute to buy the filter and didn't have time to review the threads on this forum.

Super nice to have a quick replying set of members here. Thanks again.

I will always use a Napa gold or platinum filter over factory filters.
Wix makes Napa and has kept perfect quality for years. Oem parts have that unreliable manufacturering variables I would rather not worry about.

Anyon tried Fram Pro FP10575?

It's sold on ebay, but I can't find any specific info on this on the web.
The seller claims it's better than Fram PH10575 oil filter since its a Pro line.
Also claim.......
''The Fram Pro Series is not a retail product... so that's why it's not covered on the regular Fram site.
It's an excellent product... but geared towards the "do-it-your-selfer", garage mechanic, fleets, etc... not really for the retail shelf.''

Any thought?


Most Fram oil filters are garbage. They get the lowest rating by a number of testing labs. Do some research and see what's inside a Fram oil filter. Many years ago it might not of mattered when oil was changed every 2,500 - 3,000 miles. Then again, many years ago Fran made a better oil filter.

The tests from 2011 are out of date. Fram has what is now considered perhaps the best filter "ever". The Fram Ultra is a synthetic media filter which traps smaller particles. Also some of the companies that do not make their own filters, K&N for one has changed who makes their filters. So just because it was a good filter four or five years ago does not mean it is the same today. Purolater had an issue with tears in their paper media. As a result they recently redesigned their entire filter line and they also developed a synthetic media filter. Fact of the matter is most filters are adequate. One question that has never been answered is if one filter can trap smaller particles does that mean it a better filter? Trapping particles smaller than what can do damage to an engine might be pointless. Honestly, do you know anyone that has had to do major work on a late model engine? cam shafts, crankshafts, rod bearings or other mechanical components that could be related to lubrication? I have not and vehicles run 200,000 miles with little engine related issues. Modern oils are so much better and engines are light years ahead of engines from only 20 years ago.

I am a big fan of the Wix filters. I use them exclusively on my Cadillac and will use them on the Explorer. The bike gets the OEM Yamaha filter.

Motorcraft FL-500S on Amazon. Prime shipping. $5.39 each. I buy 6 at a time.

Stick with OEM Ford if you don't like doing research and hunting down filters to save a few $ off. Seems like a lot of filters companies have had good and bad years. I've recently heard the K&N oil filters have had leaks where they weld the nut on the back, not sure if people are using them to tighten them from the nut or otherwise.
