Explorer Outings in MI | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Outings in MI

Is thier any planned Explorer runs in or around Michigan planned anytime soon, because I love to wheel, and I want to go with some Exploders, and maybe our School club can come to. Let me know if thiers any.

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There is one planned for Silver Lake in a couple weeks...do a search on "Silver Lake".

Also...we have a new club starting....if you go to www.midwest-xplorers.com ..there should be some fun runs in the midwest states.

Cool Thanks. I dont think I'll make it to the lake, but I'll keep looking, hopefully someone will wanna go hit some trials in the UP. Thats where we go 4 wheelin. We got a club up here at Northren Michigan University, we go out at least once a week, and hit the trials up here.

Join www.midwest-xplorers.com its a new club we are forming, and will in the near future be planning lots of runs. The site is still in the design phase, but hop on and let everyone know you are interested!

trevor, hit the silver lake run, it will be easy on any stocker and i dunno shouldnt be too far for you

I'm up here in Marquette in the UP, going to school. And ya I've been to silver lake plenty of times. From here silver lake is like a 7hr drive. My X did the lake back when I just had my body lift and 31's, now it would be no problem with the 33's. But if thiers any runs in the UP or northren lower MI let me know.

ok I just regestered for Mid West Exploreres
