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Explorer Race videos wanted

Ok i know i am not alone here. i want to see some race videos if anyone has any. I got Trolls already and a few others but i know there has to be more out there. i looked online and found tons of other muscle car racing videos but nothing to do remotely with explorers. can anyone help?

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Me likey wheels too. What were your times?? You have a thread somewhere about this track trip?

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That is classified. But lets just say that you can clearly see I had terrible reaction time. lol. You can actually see the other explorer pulling out before me! lol. I did better later one once I had a few more things one like my cold air intake. So far my best time with the 20 inch rims is a 15.8 So I dont think it is tooooo awefully bad. I mean at least I broke into the 15's. If the stocker tires with lowered PSI would have been on there I think maybe a 15.6 something would have been obtainable.

Oh by the way I made the compilation video. It is 17 MB though. Only thing is it has more stangs, vettes, and WRX's than explorers. I know alot of you had promised to take a video or two of your own trucks doing burnouts or racing but never did. I would take more vids of my truck but I am about 8,000 miles away from it right now. lol. I will wait to release this one comp video for another little while to let some of you make your videos, so maybe I can put them in this. But for now it looks more like a mustang video than an explorer based video. COME GUYS I NEED UR VIDEOS!!! Burnouts or something else with alot of noise, smoke, or otherwise just adrenaline flowing fun! You know what type of vids I am talking about. So come on! Send em in!!! I am ready to edit them into this badass comp I already have done. Kickass music by the way! Oh and try to make them Mpeg-1 or .WMV format. I can work with .AVI also but one format I cannot work with is .RM or realplayer format.

Damn! I wish I had someone taping my day at the track. Although it is a Ranger, it still would have had some good burnouts from me and some interesting cars in it that i went up against.
Heres an examle of interesting- a 1989 Dodge Caravan, Smoked me! ran a 15.1 or something. Its my friends, one of few vans that came with a turbo and a 5 speed. Right now hes running 13 psi:eek: stock bottom but competely rebuilt top end. it would be much faster if he could get traction through the first 2-3 gears. anyway there was alot of rediculous things like that while i was there. next time i go i will record it. Get some vids of a v6 stang beeting a cobra or something.

99mounty, I can't seem to access the videos anymore. You still around?

i would have someone film me doing doughnuts, but im afraid my my flip the bandit. plus, it doesnt look real pretty, with all the different colors.

Well at least for the next 20 months I am living vicariously through you guys for the whole explorer experience. Mine is in storage for the duration of my term over where I am at.

Where is the storage until deal and is there a key somewhere? :D :p

Mississippi. Unit C-29 or 39 I think. lol. It even has my M-4, M77 Mark II, and all my supercharger and other stuff for my stang project in the back too. Not to mention the 20's that are sitting in the corner too. lol. As for which storage place and all that I will never tell. lol. Ballsy but not that ballsy. Not for fear of you but others. My ex FWB kept hounding me for like 3 days before I left trying to get me to let her TAKE CARE OF IT before I left to here. I was like "Yeah Right!!!" I dont even let one of my friends drive it and that is only because we are racing buddies. Him and maybe me bro are the only ones that I would trust. And maybe not even my bro being that he has a neon so he isnt used to a whole 8 cylinders instead of a meager 4. lol.

Wow!! Those are some awesome vids!!

Yeah they were ok. I wish we had some better ones though. I mean though i had some mods and stuff done to my explorer it still wasnt that superfast yet. I would prefer to have some of the other guys AND GIRLS post some of their videos here. But it looks like the way things are going by the time I get back here in 20 months that I will still be posting the next video. I know I got quite a few people saying they were going to do a video or something short of their trucks but I never saw them. I got mine, Trolls, and X24's and that is it. I know there are some other streeters out there that like to have fun but i guess they just dont want to come out of the woodworks or something. Oh well. I guess the explorer video I have already made will have to do, which consists of 4 explorer clips and about 15 more other vehicles clips. lol. Too bad people didnt show more interest! It would have been really cool to get some good race footage. But when I get back I know I will be getting plenty of that from my own races and my friends races. Let alone the trip I plan on eventually making down to Miami to visit a certain speed shop with a select few Fords, lincoln, and even Mazda in their arsenal. Then I know we will get some awesome videos!!! Hopefully someone will make a few till then.

I will be sure to get vid and post after my V8 conversion.....but that is being delayed due to dumbass landlord. he lost the house to taxes and didnt tell me, have a couple weeks to find a new home and move. I will be getting video of a friends mustang doing its last run before it get fully cut up. He got the bad end of a hit and run, totaled his car....but it will be my donor vehicle eventually.


This is an old thread and none of the videos work anymore. I was wondering if anyone had any new explorer race vids they would like to post?

Holy Dead Thread Batman!

...but yeah....where are the Race Vids?


So where's that vid?

Oh yeah, cuz u know that wing gives like 50hp with all the downforce. =P

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You think I should stay with 2000k rpm launches instead of 2500k rpm?
