Factory amp? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Factory amp?


May 26, 2002
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1994 xl
I have a 1994 2 door x I bought used it came with just an am/fm factory stereo only.......... So my ? is Last year I got installed a blaupunkt head unit the guy at the shop asked me if I had a factory amp in it and said no assuming there was not one cause it only had the am/fm so.... he hooked it up and my stereo works good but I was wondering even if my x had only the am/fm stereo could there be a chance of an amp being in there? also if there was an amp and he installed a new head unit what would happen Bad sound quality or would not work at all?

ps I do not have a factory sub

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if you wanna check, it would be located behind the passenger side rear plastic panel just above the fender well, but below the back side window. if you have a cubby hole in the back passenger side panel, you can remove it, and look behind the plastic to see it. ;)

Also, when the radio was hooked up you need a special part to bypass the factory amp and I am sure you would have been charged for that! Maybe not and there are ways around it, but if you just hook it up without bypassing it, no sound will come out. So I am guessing you don't have a factory amp.

I'll bet you that you have the factory amp behind the passenger side plastic panel in the cargo area. You can search this site and there is identification information on the radio types. If you do have the amp it needs to be bypassed.

Currently I have my aftermarket head unit installed and I have sound, duketter said "if you just hook it up without bypassing it, no sound will come out"?

I am confused again LOL :)

If you had premium sound then you have an amp.

either take a look behind that rear passenger side panel like a described before and see if there is an amplifier back there, or take out one of the speakers out of the doors, and look on the magnet...if it is a premium sound system, is will, in white writing, say "premium", or premium sound... either way, you will know if u have a factory amp behind the rear passenger side panel. :) just take a look...lol..reading rainbow..:confused:

There are two more ways to find out if you have a factory amp: first, look down under your dash below the heater/AC controls on the left side. If you have an external amplifier, there will be a small, grey shielded cable bundled to a set of wires running from the stereo. The other way is to grab a flashlight and look down into where the right, rear seatbelt goes. If you have an amp, there will be a silver box on a bracket with an 8 pin connector on top (these two ways are how I found out my sport had a factory amp).

factory amp

You can have a factory amp and still have sound-it just won't have the optimum quality. When I had my HU installed, they didn't bypass the factory amp (I didn't even know I had one). My sound was okay, but when I did the amp bypass, I couldn't believe the sound quality difference. Do an amp bypass search-it'll tell you eveything you need to know. Good luck.
