Fast idle on a 1990 Aerostar. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fast idle on a 1990 Aerostar.


December 27, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Nanaimo Vancouver island BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1990 Aerostar EddyBour
Hello everybody,
I hope Im in the right place I have a 90 Aerostar-Eddi with 71,000 miles. She is in nice shape it was given to me by my landlords wife he passed in Nov 08. However the 4 litre/160 HP auto speeds up almost every time I take her out. This dude that use to do tune ups plus other maintence said that it was a vacume leak? and said that he put a plug in it but it still has the fast idle??
Any info on this would be cool.


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I would start with checking the vacume hoses, it could be a vacume leak, if he did is own tune up's it might be possible he adjusted the idle screw, and that is causing a idle problem.

Thanks Isaacm1986 and BrooklynBay for your input and yes my cruise control works OK. A friend of mine took out 2 or 3 components from the engine from another Aerostar that I have. However he doesn't remember:rolleyes: what they were lol.


What year is your other Aerostar? Does it also have a 4.0L engine?

Yes we have two other Aerostars one is 92XLT & 90XLT both 4L Auto plus a 85-87 Ranger XL? with a V6 pickup.

