Feature Truck Bobbreadknot 6-15-04 | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Feature Truck Bobbreadknot 6-15-04

This feature truck belongs to Jon, one of the US's newest Marines:usa::thumbsup:

My name is Jon Morrison and this is my X.

outside Mods
k&n filter
bug deflector
4 mounted maglights
vent visors
tinted windows
carbon taillights
warrior shackles
edlebrock shocks
12 pilot lights equipped with bigger bulbs
2 baja fogs
2 thin beam lights
3 inch PA BL
35x12.5 BFG A/t

Inside mods
cobra radar detector
alpine 4 way speakers
pioneer flipdown player
2 MA 12"'s
2 channel 1400w amp
NOS swithes for light control
Cow seats :p
and a lucky chicken foot for good luck


light switches





this truck has been through many changes in the last month or so


little bigger

and even bigger

and now


Future mods inlcude
Blower for a second intake
More backup lights
smaller bumpers for better approach angles
and a locker for the rear
but not having enought time or $$$ they have to wait tell im out of bootcamp.

thats it for now,ill keep yall updated as things go on. :exp:
i would also like to thank everyone on this site for helping turn my dream into a reality. iv waited years for lifted truck and i fiinally did it!
thanks guys :chug:

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Tell him to give me a shout if he gets stationed at 29 Stumps for MOS school. I am sure Crazy and I can show him around and if at all possible show him the wheeling areas local to us.

Semper Fi.

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as a matter of fact felix i just got done talking to crazy tonight. sunday we were goin to get together if you want to go crazy already said you might want to. i saw you pull into the charlies parking lot while i was at logistics and wanted to say somthing to you about your X but i had to go check in with gysgt cosby. give crazy a call and hell have all the details on it. ill be here for a while so its good to know someone out here, i came from texas so its all new to me.

just for an update here is a recent pic of the beast before i left for school

and here is what it looks like driving, the blower dosnt get in the way like you would assume, i thought it would at first but its just stumpy enough

and just to inform you guys michelle, my girl, is now at USMC bootcamp as well. congrats to me i have sold her to the corp :D :usa: . but im proud of her.

I am new to the thread, but damn man that is one hot truck. And I will admit I dig the blower too. Looks mean as hell.

thanks dlo, your ganna love this site, everyone here rocks :D . iv had a blast since i logged on.

hey man, glad to hear u are still in one piece. when u gonna be done?

itll be a while before i get done, most likely ill make a tour to iraq before im out, and since im likin the corp so far ill probly stay in longer, ill be comin home for christmas on the 15th but i have to report back on the second. its good to talk to you again, iv been all over the place and finaly iv found a place to rest at school. not only that but i get like a package of cookies from my stepmom every two days to im pretty comfertable so far. ill give you a call when i get back because ill be comin to rockwall to see my cousin and we can do some 4 wheelin if you want. let me know and we can set it up. i still got your number unless its been changed.

Wow, that is pretty sweet, what happened to the glowing skull? what kind of mileage do you get on that?

Thanks for your service...I'm retired Air Force so please don't hold that against me...Nice truck...is the blower functional or cosmetic?

Hah! I just saw this truck driving down the road by my house. :eek: I'm guessin' you are stationed at Camp Pendleton now?

indeed i am, im with 1/5. where are you?

I saw you leaving the Walmart center by the 5/78 interchange. I live right up the hill behind it.

wow you got lucky, i dont go there that often. we should tear up a trial or two sometime, when the corp thinks they can give me a day off hahaha.

Did you see that?

X~FACTOR said:
Those pictures were 6 lights ago. Here's an updated one. :)


Its one of those magic eye pictures. if you look at the center of the logo on her shirt and go slightly cross eyed (its not voluntary with those sweater puppets :eek: ) their is a really cool loking truck in the picture :D . :thumbsup: Nice truck and i was wondering is the blower scoop functional? or just for looks? either way pretty damn cool. nice job and Thank you for your and your g/f for joining? before you are shipped to iraq you should leave behind some contact info so that we here in the forum if ne one should feel so inclined send you some goodies :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: .

Thanks again for you and your ladies service, Nathan

So I am curious about the 35's on a 2wd. I cant imagine tackling anything that would require 35" tires without 4x4, so what am I missing here. Do poeple really go wheeling with 2wd? May be a stupid question but Im more of a hot rod guy than an off road guy so bear with me:D

So I am curious about the 35's on a 2wd. I cant imagine tackling anything that would require 35" tires without 4x4, so what am I missing here. Do poeple really go wheeling with 2wd? May be a stupid question but Im more of a hot rod guy than an off road guy so bear with me:D

:rolleyes: Sheesh!
