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Finally a pro-SUV newspaper article


Active Member
November 9, 1999
City, State
Upper Marlboro, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 SOHC XLT, 94 4.0 SC
Had to dig the X out three times this morning and that was just in my own cul-de-sac ;) I'm just 7 miles from the Wash DC beltway.

For those needing ammo againest anti-SUVers..

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Wow good press for SUV's?? Thats just amazing.......


I like it when there is 24+ inches of snow and not even SUV's can make it, only lifted 4x4 SUV's and trucks even have a chance. Thats when you know its time to go sledding, or in this case, help some docotrs get to work!

Funny thing is what they consider an SUV these days, I mean is a Subaru Outback a SUV? How about a Acura MDX?

I mean any car/wagon with a lift kit is a SUV....

I think the people they are talking about in that article had AWD and 4WD, along with some ground clearance and traction devices........to me that is no longer a SUV, it;s a 4x4........

Way to go guys!!! I know a few of the members of this board were apart of those volunteers.:cool:

Yeah, I wonder how well those Honda Insights are getting around.

Maybe this will open some eyes...

One of my professors is an Anti-SUV person. Last week he asked me, in class, how I felt about being a terrorist for driving my SUV. I told him not at all, instead I told him that it was treehuggers like himself that care only for the current popular anti-political rally cry. If SUVs were removed from the roads and replaced with Honda Insights how many people would lose their jobs in refineries, and the truckers who transport the gas, and the sea captians that ferry crude oil, and attendants who pump gas and work behind the counter, or the people who maintain oil pumps, or oil rig workers, even the people who replace the gas tanks at gas station every few years. "No", I said, "I dont fund terrorism, I help fund a million plus fu#!ing jobs in the US of A." My SUV will go places your gas sipper couldn't dream of. And I politely (heh yeah right) suggested if he didn't like the American way then maybe he should shut up and go live elsewhere. Personally I find it in SERIOUSLY bad form to place SUV driver in the same boat as drug dealers, sinners, and terrorist. I urge everyone to let people know what a load of crap these ad campagins are. And I always make sure to let people know that the same sort of people that releases these ads are the people who believe the same ideals as the Unabomber, or Timothy McVeigh. Thank You, now I will step down from the soap box.


Don't forget that you pay more in taxes at the pump than he does, because you are buying more gas.

Tell him that you are helping to fund the Federal and State governments more than he is simply by buying more gas and paying more in gas taxes. The numbers are somthing like in the tune of 600 million a year from 1997 statistics.

If you want I will send you what I have come up with in Excel. Its really quit simple actually, but I am at work.


And if you REALLY want to go overboard, tell him that in a sense he is stealing by not paying the same taxes you(and I) are. And that because of people like him, the government has to rely on tax hikes to meet budget. Although a stupid argument, it should get a nice rise out of the assclown.

What about all of the plastic used in the Insight? That's an oil product. You should tell him about about all of the oil he wasted having the econo-box assembled :D
