Finally ELITE | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finally ELITE


Well-Known Member
June 7, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Sport, 91 Samurai
Well seeings i've been on the site for this long and have saved TONS AND TONS of $$ i've finally become ELITE............ YAY ME LMAO

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Congrats!!! Welcome to the club!!! I'm going to have to make the trek out to the East Coast, meet up with you guys, wheel, gorge on fresh sea food and have an all around great time.

HELLS yeah dude, Deff have to get ya out here

Congrats on the Status!
And yes you'll haveto do that Sean! Come on over!!

Yah man. I'd love to. Just gotta get through winter and get some vacation time back. I;d love to go wheeling with you guys. The terrain you have is a hell of a lot better than what my neck of the woods has to offer.

BTW Ben- nice site!! You only going to cater to 3rd gens with your parts? I could use some rock sliders for my 98. ;)

Yah man. I'd love to. Just gotta get through winter and get some vacation time back. I;d love to go wheeling with you guys. The terrain you have is a hell of a lot better than what my neck of the woods has to offer.

BTW Ben- nice site!! You only going to cater to 3rd gens with your parts? I could use some rock sliders for my 98. ;)

Wow.. sorry I missed this post.. lol
Not at all, I'd like to expand my line as far as possible.
I just need to get my hands on a 2nd gen to get some measurements and such.
Maybe bogfather can help me out with that.
I'm in the process of buttoning up a sweet deal on my own shop. I've been working out of my father in laws garage up till this point.
Thanks for the comment on the site, It's really the first one I've designed, and I think it worked out ok. :thumbsup:

Hey Ben you know if i ever get up there or you come down here my rig is more then willing to be a TEST vehicle LMAO

Well seeings i've been on the site for this long and have saved TONS AND TONS of $$ i've finally become ELITE............ YAY ME LMAO

Congrats. That's how I viewed an elite membership. Giving back to the community that has saved me thou$and$ through the years (while convincing me to spend thousands more on other stuff) :D

...Congrats on joining the "Elite"..:biggthump

Oh so true there Celly. And spank you spank you Tbars4 ;) ;) :D

yeah congrats.. I've just renewed mine.. got the first one for free cos I did a "how to" on installing headrest screens...


now we just need about another 1000 canadians to sign up

Working on that ;) ;) got another guy i'm trying to get here and get his 00 XLS out with me to get it DIRTY.....HeHeHe

SOOO only need 999 more LMAO HeHeHe :D :D

Haha, I just got my sisters boyfriend to join, he's got a 2000 sport.
Not sure if he's found the Canadian forum yet or not.
