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Bigcheck1-looks nice man!

question: what gears do you have?

oops...guys use this link, i think the other one is the owner mode...

rick, anyway you can block that first link i put up there?? can't have people messin with my photos..[explain? the link looks identical to me. Do you want to remove the link in the first post?]-Gerald

daemon, i haev 3.73 gears and the towing package.. went offroading and it worked fine..drove back up to school today on the turnpike..hills suck alot, and i am got 10 mpg on this tank with half highway and half city. but i don't have the money for gears now.. will probably do them at a later date

[Edited by GJarrett on 11-27-2000 at 08:03 PM]

big, you can edit the post you know.. if it was the last one I beleive.. but um, nice clears man, ya gotta love em, what kinda bulbs are you runnin? just the APC 3157 reds? mine fade in about 2 weeks.. its driving me crazy, I'm seeking an alternative, maybe silicon bulb covers?

btw, sweet ride

Bigcheck1-yours not doing that bad on gears than mine, I have a stock 3.27 gears open. How much did your mpg drop?

Bigcheck1, it goes to owner mode for you only if you were previously logged into Photopoint. Don't worry, no one can access your photos without your email and password.



Don't forget that the bigger tires will screw up the odometer.....when I went to 33's, I had to multiply the miles on the odometer by 1.10 to get the true miles traveled. Your mileage might not suck as much as you think. Mine dropped about 1 mpg total with the 3.73 gears. You're right tho, hills suck.

thanks for the help with the link... i was in photopoint, so i guess that is why I was in owner mode i guess. i didn't think about multiplying mileage...maybe it won't be as bad i see it now... i have a set of led red bulbs on order at see them in a few days

Big--I really liked the loungin in the living room....It's quite a nice feeling to see where your money is goin and its reassureing sitting next to it...I did with my boggers!
None the less, I like your truck!

i liked that picture, my dad liked it, but since it is my moms living room, she hated it. she came home mid picture and there were car parts and all my stuff from school spread out all over....i'm stil hearing about it even though i am up at school now. i originally took the picture for my insurance agent, but i like it so much it is in my dorm room on my wall. keep the comments coming, anything you can think of would be great..xmas is coming, gotta give parents something to buy I guess

I would like to hear more about these 1inch f-150 spacers. Hook me up with some info! Did you have to do any mods to the spacers?

i'll do you one better..i can give you the exact parts number.. i got the idea from Guff on this board. they are factory coil spacers on a 92 f150 2wd. they just bolt right in after you take to coil out. but it does take a while and you do need camber adjusters and an alignment. it makes a huge diffrence too. part numbers are: f2tz5a307A and f2tz5a307B

i did these for a 1 inch lift in front coupled with a warrior shackle lift in the rear.. go for it,it was relatively easy for me and my roommate to do.

how is the ride with it? No noises or bumping going on up front? Thanks I will have to go and get me these to make my 10 inches of lift. Thanks again. One more question, Where is everyone ordering there warrior shackles from (online)? Thanks

the ride is actually better up front now.. rides like a champ now. willprobably be better with new shocks soon though. i am waiting on shocks for now till i figure out how much better RS9000's are than RS5000's.. any opinions. I got my shackles from

Bad Ass........what does your system hit at (dB)?

Hey Bigcheck, can you tell me how in the hell you got your rear bumper up? I can't seem to get mine up, any pics of what you did? I hope I read correctly in assuming you have a 3" body lift. Thanks for any help.

don't know what my system hits at,its loud though. we built the custom box and it hits a billion times harder now than my old box.

funny thing about the bumper though...i got tired after 3 or so hours of drilling and cutting i notched the frame on the bottom, and cut 2x4's to fit in the frame and drilled holes to hold the bumper. its pretty strong, had 3 friends sit on it afterwards and it holds fine still. its actually a pretty impressive rig, i did really good in wood shop so making things like that are my specialty. i'll take some pics and if you email me later, i'll send you the specifics. thanks for the input, keep it coming...any ideas what i can do to make my bumper be able to tow again???...probably not possible, but it can't hurt to ask

more news on the tailights..i ordered the bulbs from awhile back, got an email saying they were a special order item, would be shipped later. checked my order today and it says that it won't be shipped for a while..anybody have any experience with them before, this is my first order with them and i am not happy?. i need the bulbs because my original ones have faded. plese keep the comments coming on my truck.

btw: any opinions between rs5000's and rs9000's??? i am not trrying to break the bank here. thanks

I just ordered some shock from wrenchead and it only took 8 days including Thanksgiving and the weekend. I ordered them last Mon.(18th) and got them Tues(26th). They were in stock though so I can't speak for out of stock stuff. If they are waiting on the manufacturer than they can't help it. If you don't want to wait you can cancel your order as long as they haven't shipped. Good Luck.

BTW, the Exploder looks great, wish I could afford a lift, oh well.

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the lift wasn't that expensive...

3 inch body lift=100 even
coil spacers=13.00 a piece..

time spent putting it all on myself...priceless

inexpensive lift that just took awhile to complete since i am in college and have no real play time anymore...
