Finally Pulled the Trigger on HIDs | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finally Pulled the Trigger on HIDs

Last Tuesday I ordered the Bi-Xenon 6000k HID kit from and I also ordered Euro Clear headlights + corners off of ebay. Against what some have said about VVME's delivery time I received my kit Friday, but DHL wouldn't leave since I wasn't at home and had to wait until monday. I received my new headlights on Tuesday and my dad and I proceeded to do the "easy install" the directions implied. My dad and I are both pretty much mechanically and electrically at a loss when it comes to most things like this, so the easy 1 and half to 2 hour intall took a little longer then that. We also managed to make one of the amber bulbs to stop working on the driver side so I have to replace that now. Anyway heres what you have been waiting for.... The Pictures!!!!

Front Stock. Eww thats ugly compared to what I got now.

Front with new headlights.

Passenger side Headlight.

Driver Side Headlight.

Front with HIDs on.

Passenger with HIDs on.

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry for the quality, I took them with my iPhone this morning cause I forgot to take my camera last night when we installed them.

And now for the questions.

I think I have the wire mix up problem where my low beams are my high beams and vice versa. My question is where do you switch the wires at? Is it at the blue cap that plugs into where the stock halogen lights went? Also I may have missed this in the many threads I went through before I bought them but I can only switch between low and high beam if I have my fog lights turned off, if I leave the switch on (the one by the radio) and try to switch between them it just blinks but never changes to high or low.

Thanks for any feedback, comments, and answers.

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when i installed the hids in my sport trac, the fogs also wouldnt come on so i switched the wires on the fog lights and it works fine now... looks good!!

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I plan on doing the Fog light mod eventually. Thanks.

Haha, I put it off for so long.. but once I finally went out and did it.. I thought to myself.. Why didn't I do this sooner?

Granted, fogs are worthless with the high beams on.. there has been a few times where having Just the fog lights on has helped me get through the fog.

the infamous euro clear shadows. pita to adjust it to make the light spread evenly.

Yep still doing some tweaking to get them exactly right.

Yep still doing some tweaking to get them exactly right.

It's a never ending battle. I FINALLY had mine just perfect last summer when one of my ballasts gave out. I hooked up with the guy who sold me the kit and he offered to allow me to upgrade to their "new and improved" kit for a small fee. I got brand new ballasts, wiring and bulbs.

Problem is, I had to start tweaking all over again and this time I've struggled with it for months now. I was hoping that just slapping in new bulbs would be enough but no! I started getting flashed almost from the start. I had to re-aim the setup and for the most part I don't get flashed anymore but the beam pattern is pretty sloppy. I can see just fine, but the pattern is pretty blotchy.

Just make sure you're not blinding people. That's objective # 1 and an objective that many HID kit owners tend to ignore. I aim mine pretty low and to the right.

I haven't been flashed for them being to high, I just can't seem to get the pattern just right. I also noticed last night that they have lowered form when I adjusted them last.

I haven't been flashed for them being to high, I just can't seem to get the pattern just right. I also noticed last night that they have lowered form when I adjusted them last.

I get flashed rarely. I think some people confuse "high" with "bright" and the fact HIDS kits are brighter than the norm they make a big deal out of it.

I just scored projector headlights for my ride through a group buy on this site (should be here in a week or so). I'm hoping they work better with HIDs than Diamond headlights.

Yeh they are definitely brighter.

