Fine plastic scratches??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fine plastic scratches???

I was cleaning the inside of my car today, and I realized that my guage cluster cover has some fine scratches on it... Nothing that causes any visibility problems, Im just ****. I was wondering what I should use to take out those scratches.. Im assuming that its plastic...

If I recall correctly, Im supposed to use some 3M buffing compound or something??? I dunno.. some buffing compound for plastics, I forget which

I use some stuff made by Blue Magic its a plastic and plexiglass cleaner and light scratch remover works great for mine. Just be careful with rubbing it off make sure you have a soft towel thats clean.

No, don't use a buffing compound. It'll probably cloud up the cover even more. There are products made especially for cleaning/polishing plastic. Meguiar's mirror glaze, Plexus, etc. Try using those.

Hey this stuff works good. I have used it on both my cars and have had great results with it. You dont have to go out and buy some expensive stuff to clean it. No clouding at all. I even used it on my mustang and it worked great on there.
