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How can i fix clear plastic scratches

I took off my gauge cluster to fix some thing and set the clear plastic cover of it on my roof well it fell off and slide on some concrete and now looks like someone took sand paper to it :mad:. I was thinking of getting some 400 800 and then 1000 maybe 2000 grit sand paper wet sand with the 400 then wet sand with the 800 the wet sand with 1000 and then get some of that scratch dr stuff and then hit it with clear coat. How good would this do or it there a better way.

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I took off my gauge cluster to fix some thing and set the clear plastic cover of it on my roof well it fell off and slide on some concrete and now looks like someone took sand paper to it :mad:. I was thinking of getting some 400 800 and then 1000 maybe 2000 grit sand paper wet sand with the 400 then wet sand with the 800 the wet sand with 1000 and then get some of that scratch dr stuff and then hit it with clear coat. How good would this do or it there a better way.

just get some fine sand paper, sand it, blow it off. then walmart clear it. or you could just clean it and clearcoat it. it doesn't get a bunch of light, so you won't have to worry about any yellowing or fading.

I have 2 kinda deep ones i need to get out. I wouldn't normal care buy in going to b/c im going to redo it all on the inside and that is one of the things that would piss me off lol im kinda anel sometime with my cars.

depending on where they are, and how deep. you could always use super glue to fill it in and then clear over that? or if you plan on taking out the dash (like i think you said you were) you could just replace the plastic piece

as a last resort im going to a junk yard or ebay to get one. Im kinda they guy that's like well it's messed up now so i can try and fix it for a few bucks and if it mess up o well im prepared to get a new one. Plus if it works i can get a nice right up out of it.

super fine sand paper, start with 400, then go 800, then 1000, if possible go as high as you can. Followed by Meguires PlastX. Just remeber a little prep work goes a long way in making it look good so take your time when sanding and be very carefull to sand evenly.


that looks pretty good.
I personally would not clear coat it.

That plastic can be treated much like paint. Use extremely fine sandpaper if it truly is bad. I would start with a compound, I have removed tons of scratches from plastic with compound and wax.

Use the compound(and a clean rag) gently to get to the bottom of the scratch. Use another clean rag to change to a polish or wax, rubbing evenly to keep from grooving the plastic. Use just wax last, it can be better than new when finished.

I would expect so, that is specifically made for plastic.

I have lots of paint finishing products, like most people. I used to detail cars, anyone can do the minor scratch removal. It just takes a few minutes with a clean rag and some decent wax/polishes.

This is true, I have used polishing compounds and fine scratch removers with good success, but nothing I have used works quite as good as the Novus polish for acrylics and plastics.

I had never heard of clearing plastic. I would have thought that it would be quite noticable... hard to tell on the above picture. Either way I'm sure it looks better than it did.

I think that he sanded it, and those scratches will come out easily.

Ya the pic above was after wet sand the come polish stuff didn't take one b/4 i started. It hit the edge of the drive way and grass, scratched up bottom 1/2 of it. I for got to clean the back of it so it kinda smudge so i got to take it all back off to clean it.

Just wanted to know if we have a How to on hear showing how to clean the from head/turn lights in the front. If not i will be doing them the same way i did this and will make a how to.

I did all of my lights with 3M finish restore and my orbital. I don't have pics of my before and after on the Ex, but it was teh same process on my old SHO. It was about 1 minute on each one with the orbital, followed by some wax to seal them up.

I also did my gauge cluster plastic when I took it off to dust out the gauges and clean them...



After one application:


After 2 applications of Finish Restore, and about 10 minutes of work, even the smallest scratches were gone...


Other stuff that worked good is at cycle and boat shops, it's a plastic cleaner and polish that I used to use for windshields on bikes and boats.
