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fire in college


Explorer Addict
December 9, 2002
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Uber Of All Possible Doom
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97 explorer 4X4
Ok so i have been at college for 4 weeks now and today while watching training day a few burgers went up in the oven

here are some photos.... enjoy

they say we might have to pay for a new oven...
we had 2 fire trucks, police and everything... :)




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you cook burgers in the oven? interesting...

glad the place didn't burn down.

I was wondering the same...If indoors we usually cook em in a pan on the stove...and how did they light on fire?

LMAO :p Glad you are all ok :D

In the words of Jim Carey from Dumb and Dumber... "How's your burger?"

yeah i know you should not cook them in the oven....we just could not be botherd to clean any other stuff to cook it with:)

it does look like a charcoal briquet! bet youd need lots of ketchup on that one.

At least you can say you've learned one thing at college (or Komunity Kawledge?) thus far.

I suggest common sense 101 next semester but echo other's sentiments in that the damage was minimal and no one was harmed other than the cow. :)
