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Firestone Factory Walkout


Explorer Addict
June 26, 2000
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Atlanta, GA
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2013 GLI, 2013 Escape
Yet even MORE problems for Bridgestone/Firestone. Man, when it rains, it f****ing pours!

[/quote]Bridgestone/Firestone Faces Strike Threat
Thursday, August 31, 2000
By David Koeppel,

It looks like Bridgestone/Firestone's troubles are far from over.

The embattled tire giant faces a possible strike by 8,000 steelworkers who are threatening to walk out if their contract demands aren't met by Saturday.

The walkout threat comes as the company continues to replace millions of truck tires recalled earlier this month. Defective tires are reportedly responsible for 62 deaths and more than 100 injuries.

Earlier in the month, the company recalled 6.5 million Firestone ATX, ATX II and Wilderness AT tires.

Members of the United Steelworkers of America are rallying Thursday at the tire-maker's Nashville headquarters, a possible preview of what some in the union have called an "inevitable strike." Union and Bridgestone/Firestone officials have failed to reach an agreement since negotiations began in March.

But a spokeswoman said tire company executives are still confident a deal can be reached before Saturday's midnight deadline.

"Besides our customers, these negotiations are our top priority," said spokeswoman Cynthia McCafferty. "We hope to achieve a fair and reasonable agreement. Talks have been constructive, and we're hopeful of reaching an agreement by Saturday."

McCafferty said it was premature to speculate on what effect a strike would have on the company and its customers. She declined to discuss specifics of the ongoing negotiations.

Union spokesman Wayne Ranick also wouldn't comment on the negotiations. He said that workers in cities outside of Nashville would be staging "informational campaigns" to communicate their grievances.

"There's been a lot of frustration. The union feels management has been stalling at the table," Ranick said. "But we're working around the clock, and some progress has been made. Between today and tomorrow at midnight is almost an eternity."

Ranick characterized union grievances as both economic and noneconomic, with issues ranging from pension and salaries to factory working conditions. He wouldn't say whether the company's recent setbacks have hampered negotiations.

A strike would affect nine facilities in seven states. The USWA represents more than 75,000 workers in the North America rubber and tire industry.

The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has received hundreds of complaints about Bridgestone/Firestone tires blowing out or losing their tread. Many of these tires are standard equipment on the Ford Explorer and other Ford vehicles.

Congress will hear testimony from Bridgestone/Firestone chief executive Masatoshi Ono in a special Commerce subcommittee hearing scheduled for Wednesday. The committee will examine the questions raised by the recall.

— The Associated Press contributed to this report[/quote]

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Some how I am not surpriesed! Go figure.....I would not want to be there either.

I wonder if the fed's will intervene to keep the production lines rolling due to the safety issue. Wouldn't that be nice, Fires$*&!s made by disgruntled workers...

Now that I think about it, didn't this whole problem start because the tires in question were manufactured by scabs during a Firestone strike?

I am pretty sure it did! By the way did any of you see 20/20 last night?

Yeah, seemes like those managers need to get their stories straight. Nice awl work also.

Sadly, I think they will pull through this just fine. Remember Union Carbide in Bopahl India? How many thousands were killed? Still runnin' strong.

I just don't think the general population is as interested in this as we are. I have brought up the subject to a few of my non auto enthusiast friends & I get the feeling all will be forgotten. To them it's just one of a countless stream of auto industry recalls. Firestone tires, Fram filters and the like are inferior products that we know about that have a pretty strong brand recognition with the general population.

If the major auto makers drop Firestone as a supplier they're dead but I have a feeling this won't happen, the almighty dollar at work.

All the same, I would'nt be suprised to see the majority of the tires coming from that manufacturer with BRIDGESTONE stamped on the sidewall in the coming years and about 95% of the population will never know...

Just my 2 pesos

John O.

The question isn't whether or not the public will have faith, its if they can financially pull through this. Remember, this is just beginning.

From what I have read on the financial sites since this thing blew up it sounds like they can afford it. Several analysts even reccomend buying the stock right now because the potential cost involved does NOT justify the hit the share price has taken. I'm no economist so take that for what it's worth.

All I know is that Bridgestone/Firestone has to sell a whole lot of tires to be able to eat the cost of the millions affected.
