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First Explorer! 1997 Sport 4WD

Gavin-Springfield, MO
Bought my first Sploder today for $1600!
1997 Sport
4.0 SOHC, Automatic, 4WD, leather, power sunroof, and is a Ford.
I'll have better, cleaned, daylight pics tomorrow :)
Looking at TT, 4 door leafs, AAL, and 31-33 inch tires. This will have to wait until I have the moolah ;)



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I'm not sure why they put it in. I thought it might be a inertia bypass switch, but I'll have to test it out. No worries about the fogs :) I will most definitely be hitting up a junkyard sometime in the near future! This was a complete "duh" moment. When I flipped that switch I thought it was for the power antenna... Guess not ;)

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New plugs and wires at 162,250. Now will be daily driven because I have my license! Strange water vapor comes from underneath after driving for awhile then stopping. Seems to be coming from the top of the catalytic convertor.

Your BFGoodrich 265/75/16 is size I got. $206.00 each with free road hazard balancing and rotations.

Town Fair Tire i got mine from, idk if they have them where your from.

I love the look of them... they are some gorgeous tires. However, as a poor, currently unemployed HS student if I get bigger tires, I'll probably go with those dynapros. Hopefully this week I'll get my diff fluid changed, I have that dreadful whine at ~60 MPH.

Hopefully I'll have a job soon and I'll be able to save for my AALs, shackles, tires, and maybe some sound stuff. I did order some LEDs for the dash. Since some were already out I went for the good stuff :)

Turns out the smoking issue was that it was burning transmission fluid. How? Oh, just the dipstick tube was not attached... to anything.

I did some figuring today and found some approximate costs:
To do a 3" BL, 4-door leaf springs, AALs, shackles, and an alignment after TT would cost somewhere around $400. Now, in order to save all that up I will need to take some time. So I've decided one should come first. Which should come first?

Also, will my car look ridiculous on 245s with these mods?

Well if you want to do the body lift I have one I'd be willing to part ways with. Pm me if ur interested. And if I were you I'd do 4door leafs, AAL, and shackles at the same time (TT too of course) that way you can put the AAL in while it's off and to put the shackles on instead of the OEM ones you would only need to undo 2 more bolts

Changed the instrument lights to LEDs :) There were two burnt out so I said what the heck, LEDs will be cool.


Also I decided to paint some things while I wait for tools, supplies and time to do my suspension upgrades.




More pics and info sometime this week.

As far as body lifts, i still have mine sitting in closet from my 99 ranger. Never got a chance to put on it. I know it fits the explorer.

Yeah, I will probably do my leaf springs and TT stuff first, I think I'll enjoy the firmer ride in the back. The body lift will just be a visual improvement.

Looks better without the valance.

Also painted the trim and removed roof rack.

Painted by the windows, the wiper arm, bumper cover, and the handle

Painted by these windows too.


Painted wiper cowl and wiper arms.

Looking good. I do think you will like the firmer ride of the leaf packs and tt. I like how mine rides compared to my parents stock explorer. I need to paint my pillars near the windows they are faded now too. Personally I think explorers look naked without a roof rack.

Yeah my roof rack was incomplete so it looked like I just had a spoiler on it. I think at some point I'll put a cage style rack up there.

Because I'm waiting on an air compressor and impact gun to do my springs I ventured off to Walmart to add a few components to my sound system.
Here it is all taken apart.

I rednecked the seatbelts so they wouldn't pull the panel down on me.

Because I have the JBL system, I could tap into the speaker wires right from the back.

The subwoofer was missing from my stock amp, so I decided this would be perfect to mount my new amp in.

A few tools and some brute force later...

Mounted up-

It's great to keep a wiring diagram near. Here is where I got mine
This was a major help.

End result- I got the speaker on the right from Walmart for $30 and the one on the left from a friend.

And I left this cover off to access the amp easier and for cooling it down a little.

Be careful where you lay your soldering iron...


Do these look stupid? For $150 there is a complete set on Craigslist. They're from an 08 'Stang

Meant for a car. If you go street tires no. Will look weird with AT's or MT's. Its like a mutang with smaller rims and more tire.

Small update- Just ordered my AALs, and a new brake pedal pad because I see the metal...

Waiting to go to a junkyard to get some 4-door leaf springs. Hopefully by this fall/beginning of winter I can get some 275s, they will probably be the Dynapro ATMs.

Also on the list- http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=317194 this skid plate.

AALs got in, sitting under the bed waiting for their 4-door leaf companions.

Interesting thing happened the other day. Towed the broken down Dakota and the broken down Grand Am with the good ole X.



Also, I removed the step bars for a higher look.


Can anyone help me out on the required hardware for 4-door leaf packs? I got my AALs in and soon I should be getting some leaf packs. They sent some weird bolts with the AALs, but I think I need all hardware. Also, is it necessary to get new shackles or can the original ones handle the new springs? Thanks for any input.

Can anyone help me out on the required hardware for 4-door leaf packs? I got my AALs in and soon I should be getting some leaf packs. They sent some weird bolts with the AALs, but I think I need all hardware. Also, is it necessary to get new shackles or can the original ones handle the new springs? Thanks for any input.

Here is the info on the AAL install and it has the bolt size for the AAL you need in there: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97676

I ordered new hardware from tousley ford (vender on here) I actually could've reused my stuff but I ordered anyway because I wasn't sure if I would need to torch the old ones out or not. I may have my old ones in a box here actually... I would see if you think you could get them off without trashing them. I'm fairly certain you can just reuse them.

If the shackles are good then reuse them. If they are shot now is the time to replace.

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