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For Sale First Gen Lifts, winch bumper, and other goodies

I'm selling my first gen since I got a Sport Trac. I have these and a few other parts that are no longer needed. No prices include shipping unless noted otherwise. I will consider reasonable offers. All parts are for the 91-94 Explorer. Local pick up is preferred, but I can ship if you give me your zip code so i can get a quote.

I have a few more things, but I need to get some pics and take inventory. Things like headlight brackets, tail lights, radiator/washer fluid tanks, over head console ect.

The best way to contact me is my mobile or email. 901-219-two77two nameldi@(google's mail).com. Sorry about that, but I hate bots.

$300 4" front Trailmaster (IIRC) suspension lift: includes axle and RA drop brackets, FA300 pitman arm, springs, stainless steel extended brake lines, newish Ranchero RS5117 shocks with dust boots, bolts and other hardware Everything needed except the rear lift, bump stops, and sway bar links. crappy pic.

$100 3" body lift: used, two of the short bolts got buggered up, Not a big deal because you can use the longer stock ones you remove from the truck when you install this one. It has the steering extension but not the bumper brackets.

$40 tan cloth rear seats, no tears, a little dirty maybe, but not stained or messed up.

$250 Warn Winch bumper: Chrome in good condition. No dings or rust. Mounting brackets included, no winch.


4x4 switch $15

$20 Gauge bezel

$20 Speedo gauges


$15 Map/Dome Light

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No one want this stuff, really?

Pics of the headlight brackets? or anything headlight related

I can have them tomorrow. I've been busy and put going back to the storage unit. But I can get over there then.

I can have them tomorrow. I've been busy and put going back to the storage unit. But I can get over there then.

No rush mine still work just want to put it back to how it was before the accident.

I want the bumper. But I dont think it would work on a st.

I want the bumper. But I dont think it would work on a st.

I thought about seeing if I could make it fit the Sport Trac. If it doesn't sell I might try.

Willindsay: I'm glad your not in a hurry 'cause my day got screwed and I didn't make it to the storage unit.

I'd love the bumper but shipping kills the deal.

I should mention that my brother live in St Louis and I see him every second weekend. so If you want to pick up in St Louis after that, there's no shipping.

Finally, more pics of stuff. Just make offers.

4 auto hubs (1 bad) and 5 manual, 2 mile marker 3 Warn (1 bad)


2 sets of headlight brackets with housings. One of the clearer ones have a small crack you can see in the pic.

A set of head light bezels. One is a little broken.

Price for headlight bezels and pair of manual hubs?

So, it's obvious that my prices are too high. Shoot me some offers. I thought for sure the body and 4" lift would have been gone by now.

If you don't like my prices, suggest another one. If it's reasonable, we will have a deal.

interested in the lift, you can email me directly at kcdeib92 @ gmail . com just put explorer lift as the subject or whatever, i never really get on here much and emails go right to my phone. thanks man.

make offers bump

Any manual hubs still available?

PMs sent

is the lift sold? PM me

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How much for the headlight bezels? And can you use the auto hubs on front and rear?

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