First time Ford explorer owner with a cigar lighter problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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First time Ford explorer owner with a cigar lighter problem


March 23, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
brooklyn, new york
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Eddie
I brought myself a 2003 Ford explorer eddie and I must say its a pretty nice truch love every min of it although i was thinking twice about it blc I heard that it has akot of problems but after looking at this site before buying it it seems you guys love your truck .
So here is the problem I didnt notice this till I try to take a road trip upstate plug my GPS in half way up state to discover the cigar lighter doesnt work . Well I spent a great deal of time off the highway trying to figure out what was wrong with it . I checked out all 24 fuses and they were all fine also the fuse box under the hood and they are also fine .

Anyone with a similar problem ? might be able to lead me in the right direction

so this is my first time with a car with digtal auto climate control . I turn the AC on but it didnt turn on I am assuming maybe because it was cold outside the computer didnt turn it on does your AC do the samething too

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Hm, idk about the AC, but for the lighter, pull the ashtray out (if thats where the plugs at) (or wherever its at, get to the back of the plug) check the 2 wires going to the back of the socket, sometimes mine have slipped out, and then if not, check the connector that they usually have connecting to the power wires

I brought myself a 2003 Ford explorer eddie and I must say its a pretty nice truch love every min of it although i was thinking twice about it blc I heard that it has akot of problems but after looking at this site before buying it it seems you guys love your truck .
So here is the problem I didnt notice this till I try to take a road trip upstate plug my GPS in half way up state to discover the cigar lighter doesnt work . Well I spent a great deal of time off the highway trying to figure out what was wrong with it . I checked out all 24 fuses and they were all fine also the fuse box under the hood and they are also fine .

Anyone with a similar problem ? might be able to lead me in the right direction

so this is my first time with a car with digtal auto climate control . I turn the AC on but it didnt turn on I am assuming maybe because it was cold outside the computer didnt turn it on does your AC do the samething too

the climate control in these are a bit off as far as temp goes. During the summer my air has to be @ ~66degrees F to cool down the cabin, and in the winter the min temp to heat the cabin is 76-77. It seems there's a big area of play. I also think my A/C unit needs to be charged (and i'm sure yours does too), and I think I have a blend door issue as well.

As far as the cigar lighter, BrianDye gave some pretty solid advice; follow it :).

thank you sir :D

you're quite welcome.

And in answer to your sig... Get a 98-01 V8 2nd Gen. you won't have to deal with the 5r55 transmissions...

Well basically I want
4 door
power seats
moonroof (hopefully)
digital climate controls
heated seats

all i basically look on is craigslist, so i dont have a ton to choose from but whats wrong with the 5r55 trans's?

(lets continue this chat in my thread so we dont get off topic lol)

I brought myself a 2003 Ford explorer eddie and I must say its a pretty nice truch love every min of it although i was thinking twice about it blc I heard that it has akot of problems but after looking at this site before buying it it seems you guys love your truck .
So here is the problem I didnt notice this till I try to take a road trip upstate plug my GPS in half way up state to discover the cigar lighter doesnt work . Well I spent a great deal of time off the highway trying to figure out what was wrong with it . I checked out all 24 fuses and they were all fine also the fuse box under the hood and they are also fine .

Anyone with a similar problem ? might be able to lead me in the right direction

so this is my first time with a car with digtal auto climate control . I turn the AC on but it didnt turn on I am assuming maybe because it was cold outside the computer didnt turn it on does your AC do the samething too

Welcome aboard wiz. I'm thinking you are talking about the front power point #1 rather than a cigar lighter. Not many Gen3s have the optional ashtray and lighter. Does the other power point #2 at the rear of the center console work? I suggest you recheck fuse #9 in the battery j-box. That's the fuse that protects power point #1. You could just swap fuse #9 with #7 which protects power point #2 and see if the problem moves. If it isn't that fuse than you probably have a loose connection under the console as mentioned above.

thanks a million for the advice i will check it outbut i will have to check it out later last night on my way home from work my check engine light came on took it to the zone turns out cyclinder 6 has a misfire check the plugs and wires and they all fire so my next time is to take it to the shop
hope i didnt buy a lemon cause I love this truck.

welcome wiz

If you hit the Auto button from off the A/C won't turn on in mine if its too cold something like 32F or below. It reads the External sensor probe to figure it out. I know because, when the probe read 40F the A/C would come on even though it was 15F. I replaced the probe that week while it was still real cold and the A/C never came on when hitting the Auto button afterward. A/C will freeze up if its real real cold out.

We run a lot of computer equipment and even in winter the room can really heat up fast so we have to run the A/C all the time. On the roof unit there is a cutoff termo switch to shut the fan off below 30F, well one winter the switch failed and the room heated up, we go outside the thing was a giant ice cube. . .no airflow whatsoever, we fixed the swtich and thawed the thing out and it was fine.

i got a lemon

thanks for the warm welcome
just got back from the shop about the check engine light turns out i got a valve problem its going to cost me at least 2500 to fix WOW.

valve problem?

what valve problem do you have? 2500 is a lot just for a valve problem unless you need to replace a lot of things.

he said its losing presure but later on this week he will let me know once he takes it apart what its missing. i will keep you guys posted

For $2,500 I'd pick up another engine! Doesn't make sense to spend $2,500 when you can pick up a new crate engine for that price range. You can probably find a reputable shop with a rebuild and get it installed for that price.

got the truck back turns out to be a real lemon . Got the engine replace . turns out the fuse was blown for the cigar lighter replace that also .
want to thank you guys a million for the advice .
