Firstly Hello, then radio replacement recommendations | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Firstly Hello, then radio replacement recommendations


New Member
April 13, 2010
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1997 4.0 SOHC
Hello all, I've just acquired a 1997 Explorer in reasonable nick , I've had to give up driving a manual car after loosing an argument with a fork lift truck.

I'm based in Aylesbury, I'm basically disabled though I'm technically still employed by my company.

I've little 4x4 or off road experience but I'm actually looking forward getting involved.

The stereo is the original 2006R, it works fine but I'd like to at least be able to play my own CD's or MP3's. Any recommendations, (not high end please).

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I use an older JVC unit that works well. I don't know much about in-car entertainment but when I was looking for an upgrade I looked for a company I'd heard of, what features it has and the price. The ones I saw in Halfords were around £50-£60 which had mp3 and CD players.

The wiring adaptor you can pick up on ebay or in Halfords.

Welcome to the forum

I dropped a Pioneer DEH-P800BT into mine. This model gives a direct hook up to ipod with the ability to browse from the head unit. It's also bluetooth so doubles up as my handsfree carkit with a small dash mounted mic and utilizing the cars speakers.
As already posted you'll need a wiring harness adapter and also a fascia the void left by the old stereo is a useful 1.75 din

weelcome to the forum and explorers dude :thumbsup:

i think a good quality stereo with mp3/4, blue tooth and ipod docking is fairly easily obtained these days for a good price. as long as you dont want to make your ears bleed that is. if you put in an all singing all dancing mobile dj type head unit you will need speakers etc.
i wouldnt be looking past £100.


Thanks for the feedback, just wanted to be sure I wasn't going to have to get an all singing all dancing ford brand unit.

Thanks for the feedback, just wanted to be sure I wasn't going to have to get an all singing all dancing ford brand unit.

nah, nowt fancy needed. even though no one knows nowt about'em they are just cars at the end of the day, with a 12v system. if your gonna fit it yourself, or plan to do a bit of diy on your explorer, buy a multimeter, as the wires are different colours.
enjoy a truly great machine.


Blaupunkt Orlando- cd 72, single disk flip motorised flip down load and can take a 10 disk box also, superb sound with stock speakers mate, and 100w velocity sub.
