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Fishing trip and famous A4LD---> Need opinion


June 27, 2004
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Sport 4WD
Fishing trip and famous A4LD would need help


here how my fishing trip ended last weeked! 80 Miles of towing... by a GM (Dad's truck)!

Hot day and only my trailer and my Honda Foreman 450 in it and the A4LD drained his ATF all over the road!!! Torque converter gasket leak!!! OD disapeared. Tested by a tranny specialist and my 3-4 relay is dead and the converter clutch relay is dead too.

What you would suggest:
- New used/refurb tranny?
- Manual tranny conversion ( M5OD-R1 or M5OD-R1HD)???
- Sell that Explorer and get a new vehicule!


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the loss of BOTH of those solenoids strongly suggests an electrical problem common to both. Lack of TCC lockup will produce a HUGE amount of heat, and could cause your tranny to urp up fluid through the vent tube. Loss of OD could be any one of a number of things... tough to call it at this point.

thanks Glacier... the guy at the shop tould me about that heat without lockup...

is it tough to change the torque converter gasket?

there is no "gasket" in the TC. I suspect what you are thinking is the "front seal" where the TC "snout" goes into the transmission. I am doubtful that is where you are leaking...., I am betting you are venting overheated fluid. And if we convert your Q to "Is it difficult to replace the front seal" ... then answer is the act isn't THAT bad, getting there is a *****. REMOVE THE TRANIE TIME. So simple answer, yes.

The leak probably come from torque seal and there is trace of oil in the bell housing... maybe the pump too?

anyway... i'm trying to find a used tranny but it'S difficult to find!

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