Fitting an 8.8 differential in an Aerostar. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fitting an 8.8 differential in an Aerostar.


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
Okay so was working on dad's van yesterday and found out the rear axle in that thing is almost trash needs and entire rebuild. I was wondering how hard it would be to put an 8.8 from a 2nd gen under there have one in nice shape just sitting.

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Well, Aerostars did come with 8.8s in them. I'm not sure how hard it would be to locate them. 8.8s out of other vehicles, Rangers, Explorers, F-150s, you would have to check 2 things. 1) if the spring perches are the same distance, and 2) if the WMS to WMS (wheel mating surface) is the same or close. I don't have an answer for either of those 2 items.

As far as how hard it is to do. Depends on you ability honestly. IMO, swapping an axle for an axle is simple. D/line flange/u-joint, brake line connection, e-brake connection, u-bolts to the leaf spring, and any electrical connections. Obviously, have the vehicle supported on properly place jack stands or lift.

It is a 93 XLT plus 4x4. THe van has 3.73s and the explorer has 4.10s. So, with out switching either the Explorer or the Vans Ring and Pinion. not gonna work.

However, I have thought that just switching the disc brake outers from the Exp. to the van.


It is a 93 XLT plus 4x4. THe van has 3.73s and the explorer has 4.10s. So, with out switching either the Explorer or the Vans Ring and Pinion. not gonna work.

However, I have thought that just switching the disc brake outers from the Exp. to the van.

Excuse me pops

The 4.0 2wd drive vans had 8.8s. The axle is offset to the passenger side a few inches due to the gas tank so the explorer axle won't work easily. The explorer disc brakes don't fit the Aerostar axle, the mounting flange is different. There's brackets available to use the mustang cobra rear disc on the axle. I did this conversion.

The 4.0 2wd drive vans had 8.8s. The axle is offset to the passenger side a few inches due to the gas tank so the explorer axle won't work easily. The explorer disc brakes don't fit the Aerostar axle, the mounting flange is different. There's brackets available to use the mustang cobra rear disc on the axle. I did this conversion.
What years?
