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fix interior


May 11, 2012
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City, State
living on Tijuana mexico - Born in LA - Work on San diego
Year, Model & Trim Level
Ford explorer 95 2x4 4.0
Some one now how to fix this?


its like that on both sides...
i was tought abou put on a screw but maybe you have a better suggestion.

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Can't see ur pics bro... What's the issue (in case u can't get the pics up, or maybe my iPad is just stupid and won't show em )

If the tiny top ear on the a-pillar piece that "hooks" over that b-pillar piece piece is gone/broke off, a screw or some type of fastener would be your only option... There should be some retainer clips on there further along the trim, are those gone?

If the tiny top ear on the a-pillar piece that "hooks" over that b-pillar piece piece is gone/broke off, a screw or some type of fastener would be your only option... There should be some retainer clips on there further along the trim, are those gone?

yes joe.. it has no hook's on the end...

Is the coat hook missing from the back of the b-pillar trim?
