Fixing the Broken Recliner Lever, By CBoug76 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fixing the Broken Recliner Lever, By CBoug76


Elite Explorer ECX Member
Moderator Emeritus
November 23, 1999
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Dracut, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Sport
Here are the steps needed to Fix the Broken Recliner Lever on 1995+ Explorers. Below is the Drivers side, I assume the Pass. Side is the same but Mirrored.

(For Disscussion on this topic, please go here: Dead Link Removed )


Tools Needed:
#1 Phillips Screwdriver
#2 Phillips Screwdriver
#2 Stubby Phillips Screwdriver
3/8” Ratchet
Metric Socket(Can not remember size)
Torx Bit(Can not remember size)



Step 1,
Remove screws holding Side Cover on.



Step 2,
Remove seat Controls from Side Cover.



Step 3,
Un-Hook & Remove the Seat Back Cover, This can be done by unhooking bottom edge(Red Arrow) and also by reaching your arm inside the cover and finding where it attached to the steel seat support inside of the back of the seat. Then Slid it up and off of the Seat Back Frame. (It may seem that this will be hard to re-attach when you go to put it back together but I assure you that it actually goes back together quite easily.)



Step 4,
Using 3/8” Ratchet and the Correct Torx Bit, Remove the 2 upper bolts attaching the Recliner Assembly to the Seat Back.



Step 5,
Using 3/8” Ratchet and Correct Metric Socket, Remove the 2 lower bolts attaching the Recliner Assembly to the Base of the Seat.



Step 6,
Using 3/8” Ratchet and Correct Metric Socket, Replace the 2 lower bolts attaching the NEW Recliner Assembly to the Base of the Seat.



Step 7 A,
It might be Easier to re-assemble if you have The Reliner Assembly in a Reclinmed Position As shown in this Photo.



Step 7 B,
Using 3/8” Ratchet and the Correct Torx Bit, Replace the 2 upper bolts attaching the NEW Recliner Assembly to the Seat Back.



Step 8,
Replace the Seat Back Cover, This can be done by sliding the Cover back over the Seat Back Frame, once all the way on, reach up inside the cover and find hooking edge and hook it back on to the steel back support of the Seat Back Frame. Then work the front edge under the Seat Back and hook it to the Rear Edge as seen in Photo.



Step 9,
Replace the Side Side Cover, Reattaching the Seat Controls First.



Step 10,
Stand back and Admire your work.



OLD Broken Recliner Assembly



NEW Recliner Assembly



OLD & NEW Recliner Assembly's



Red Arrow: Rivets
Blue Arrow: Thick Arm
Yellow Arrow: Thin Lever that breaks
Purple Line: Place where the Break happens

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Nice write up... Thanks

How much was the replacement? I welded mine a few years back and seems to be holding far.
Good job.

the Cost for the Lever Assembly is $43.67 mind you, I got this price 2 years ago....

I read this post last Monday just snooping around, and Sunday afternoon I open my door and my handle drops to the ground.

I'm on my way to my dealer to confirm this, but apparently you can just replace the handle if that's all you need. (I don't see how if the handle is riveted to the assembly, but Ford should know better than me). The price for the handle is around $10. I'll post the part number is this is the case.

So is the new replacement better than the old one, or is it identical?

I am Willing to bet you that the$10 Handle is the Black Plastic Piece Only.

If you look at the last photo in the original post you will see 2 red arrows, they are pointing to the Rivets.

My replacement was identical to the old one, with the exception that it had an extra plate on it, which you can see in the "OLD & NEW Recliner Assembly's" Photo.

Well guys, my hunch was correct and CBoug was correct too! There's no way to replace the handle "only" since it riviets to the assembly. CB, you're right the $10 is for the black plastic grabby thing ONLY.

What sucks is that the NEW assembly is thicker and better than the OEM. Which means that Ford knew/knows their part was screwy to begin with. But are they going to drop the $45 bucks for the new part? Noooooooooo!!!! They leave that to us!!

Anyway, mine should be here Friday, so I'll tackle the replacement Saturday weather permitting. At least I have CBoug;s pics to speed up the process.

I think I broke the handle off my '93 about 3-4 years ago, and I remeber the price being alot higher, never did buy a new assembly, I just used about 50 cents worth of 1" climbing webbing and somehow got it to work, I'll take a min tomorrow to snap a pic of the lowest cost way to make it still work :D
The way I did this works, though its a bit harder to pull then the stock setup

Mine broke a long time ago and I fixed it several months ago. I just drilled out the rivets and bolted a handle that I made out of a carbon fiber ring on there. It took about 4 bolts and a little extra linkage to get it to work like stock, but it was free




I had to replace my lever a while back as well. Is this a commong problem?

Originally posted by red96camaro
I had to replace my lever a while back as well. Is this a common problem?

Yes it is! Ford knows about it but NEVER issued a Re-call. they just made the lever better and didn't tell us.

They suck, i want a check for 40 bucks!

OK I finally got around to replacing mine. Took about 1hr and 15 minutes. 30 minutes was just trying to get two of the screws that hold that darn plastic cover back on. I used part number XL2A-7862649-AA . It is the redesigned one. I got it for 49.99 + 7.00 shipping from Ford Parts Network. Here is a picture of the new vs. the old:

OK I finally got around to replacing mine. Took about 1hr and 15 minutes. 30 minutes was just trying to get two of the screws that hold that darn plastic cover back on. I used part number XL2A-7862649-AA . It is the redesigned one. I got it for 49.99 + 7.00 shipping from Ford Parts Network

Would you know if its the same part number for my 98 sport w/ power drivers seat? My lever looks like its going to break soon:( What a stupid way to design a seat.

It should be the same.

Thanks. I'm going to order the piece to keep it as a spare.

Pay? For what? A cheap a** handle thats going to break off again? No way. I welded mine on as well, it was free and its lots stronger. Another tip- to overcome the poor placement of the handle (your butt is bending it while you get out of the truck!) is to take the plastic cover off the handle. It gives your booty less leverage to break the thing off...

I reclined my seat last night to relax...

when i was done i pull the lever and it comes up with my hands


sucks driving without a seatback :)

(used pliers to get the seat back up when i got home)

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mine broke in a good spot, i just leave it there, lol
