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Flame tint

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In that case, hell with it, do whatever you like and screw everyone else :)

hartman- i'm in the process of doing some flamed tint right now on my truck. as you know i already have a flame theme going on and i kind of have a thing for flames. i'm not sure how they will look on your truck, or just how in depth you want to go with them, but if you'd like i can post some pics of mine (i have the sunroof and mirrors done now and the rear gate and side windows will be next. also mine isn't quite as intense as loudexplorers, its more of a background "ghost" theme going on) anyways, if your interested we could talk on im or on here some time and i may be able to custom make you whatever you'd like in my garage and ship it to you for a lot cheaper than you'd find it elsewhere and it would be custom fit to the explorer windows. that goes for anyone else who might be interested as well

later -drew

is there anyway to do those flame tints if i already have limo tint?

You'd have to take the limo tint off, lay the flames down, then redo the limo tint.
