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Florida Off-road


Well-Known Member
January 21, 2007
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City, State
virginia beach
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 xls 4wd 4dr
I live north of tampa and im looking for anyone in the tampa bay-pasco-hernando-orlando-area to find some trails and spots to go mudding. so far i have found nothing but orange groves and no-trespassing signs, but i see mud covered lifted trucks driving down the road. lil help?

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i live maybe 20 minutes from raymond james stadium there isnt really anywhere around here... i drive an hour and a half to rancho in pasco/zepherhills its close to 1000 acres

I live in new port richey (pasco county) and theres some places not to far from here to go off roading

Ocala has a big park area with a mixture of off roading types from sugar sand to just regular fun off roading in mud that i know the ranger clubs sometimes go there

I wanna do it with my explorer but i want to buy better tires first because i only have 2 of the origional bf goodrich tires that are the all terrain

yeah thats a bit of a drive from my house , ive been to that area before so i know were your talking about

like ocala isnt right around the corner but its alot closer

I live in orlando there is a few small ones around here startin to get shut down though.. :/ but the hot spot is out in mims (scottsmore exit of I95) its exit 240 or something around that lol its HUGE very easy to get lost lol

I live in st pete and i joined a jeep club and they go el rancho/s woods in z hills and a place in new port richey they call h pit also a place by the hard rock

Might be hittin the mud hole this weekend and go camping! If anyone wants join let me know! Prob gonba be Friday night and all day sat

i know this is kinda old, but a buddy of mine just showed me a place in brandon called raulerson. there are some hills to climb, sand and mud. went in my ex and drove everywhere my buddy went in his bronco on 35s

i live maybe 20 minutes from raymond james stadium there isnt really anywhere around here... i drive an hour and a half to rancho in pasco/zepherhills its close to 1000 acres

Went to rancho for the first time last night. Burried the explorer and took 2 diff trucks to pull me out. But there are alot of trails out there. But also alot of holes that will swallow most of anything

hey guys, im in orlando but would love to get some of us together to go offroading somewhere. I'd like to get some FL group started and going good too but it doesnt seem like theres that many FL guys :/

But lets get something going! Would you guys be up for that?

How about anything near Palm Beach County? All the places we went in our youth are now developed or off limits.
