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April 26, 2005
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4.0l OHV in a TVR!!
How many teeth does a 4l flywheel have?

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I have a 94 4.0L OHV motor from a Ranger sitting in my garage. Is that the same? I can count the teeth on the flywheel for you if you want.

MalcolmV8 said:
I have a 94 4.0L OHV motor from a Ranger sitting in my garage. Is that the same? I can count the teeth on the flywheel for you if you want.

I know its a bit of a pain but that would be great if you could... Thanks.


Is the ranger 4.0 you have any good and are you interested in selling it? If so how much and how many miles? I tried PM'ing you but your box is full. Email me at


Sorry I though I could count all the teeth but the bottom of the flywheel is covered by the tire the engine is sitting on. I was thinking the flywheel was over hanging. My engine hoist is packed away right now so I couldn't lift it. Of the 3/4 exposed I counted about 100 teeth. Sorry maybe someone else knows.

Thanks Malcolm, anyone else know? OR does anyone know where I get hold of a steel billet flywheel to fit a '98 ohv 4.0l? I don't think any of the centerforce ones fit as they state 5.0l V8 only.
