Fog light relay? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fog light relay?


New Member
March 25, 2013
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Salem, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 Explorer XLT
I have an 03 Explorer, and am looking for the relay so I can ground it out and have the fogs stay on when the high beams are on.

Does anyone know which relay this is?

Thank you!


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Yep same thing here I am going thru it says #50 in the owners guide I have a 2004 I want my fogs to stay on with the high beams too! I see the 99 thru 2001 things went over to the Ranger site same year says cut off 2 prongs on the Fog light relay but since I dont have a new relay an its like late no auto parts stores are open or Junk yards lol I am stuck trying to ask all you guys on here I see Tim here has had this up for over a year an NOBODY has helped!

Also in for this, will look in to it myself if no answer posted soon. Need a little break from research after my last upgrade and everything.

The Fog Light relay is really not the issue. The High Beam Relay is what routes the power to either the High Beams or the Fog Lamps, but not both. Both relays should be in the battery junction box under the hood. A jumper between the Dark Blue wire (relay terminal 3) and the Light Green/Black Stripe wire (relay terminal 4) will do what you want. The jumper will allow the Fog Relay to get power even when the High Beams are turned on.

Thanks Fordfool, will probably try this out tomorrow. Miss having four lights going with the Explorer, The Mountaineer uses a single bulb for high and low, so having the fogs still on with highs should help a lot.

The Fog Light relay is really not the issue. The High Beam Relay is what routes the power to either the High Beams or the Fog Lamps, but not both. Both relays should be in the battery junction box under the hood. A jumper between the Dark Blue wire (relay terminal 3) and the Light Green/Black Stripe wire (relay terminal 4) will do what you want. The jumper will allow the Fog Relay to get power even when the High Beams are turned on.

Does this 'mod' allow the use of the stock fog lamp switch to shut them off. Like the 2nd gen mod?

I can post up wiring diagrams from my shop manuals if requested. :biggthump

Does this 'mod' allow the use of the stock fog lamp switch to shut them off. Like the 2nd gen mod?

The fog lamp switch remains functional with this jumper (mod). I have not studied the Gen 2 mod you are referring too.

Additionally, the wire colors and terminals are based on my Ford 2004 Wiring Diagram.

Bigrondo i would be interested in the diagrams. Wondering if there's an easier place to do this other than right under the junction block.

Bigrondo i would be interested in the diagrams. Wondering if there's an easier place to do this other than right under the junction block.

Roger that. I will post them up tonight!!!!!

Another way to jumper this would be to obtain a hot at all times 12 VDC source and run it to Fuse 15 load side. Run this through a 15 amp fuse holder and fuse to protect the circuit and wiring. You could crimp a spade lug on the jumper and insert it at fuse 15.
