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For those with 3/14 roll-off dates


Well-Known Member
February 24, 2011
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Holland Patent, NY
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My Sterling Gray Ltd is scheduled to roll-off-the-line on 3/14. As of today, no window sticker.

For those with the same build date, has anyone gotten a window sticker? I understand it may be too early, but I'd be curious to know when everyone else can pull theirs up.

Also, when does your Vin get recognized over at mySync?


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3/1 build date

My Black Limited had an invoice date of 2/22, and I was able to pull the window sticker on 2/24 with a build date of 3/1. Waiting for delivery now. Was just told by the Dealer that it won't be until ~3/20..

Your X is not rolling off the line on 3/14. That day is "on the week of." All dates are supplied on a Monday and represent the week on which the vehicle is built.

Your window sticker will be available about 7 days before your X is set to be built. So, if your truck, for example, were scheduled for next Friday, you wouldn't see your window sticker until this Friday.

Sync won't get recognized until 2 to 3 days after the vehicle is actually built.

Once you can pull up your window sticker, look for the number on the bottom right. It will look something like 1201103173459. The first number is "Job 1," the following numbers are the build date starting with the year "2011," month "03," and date "17"

SM4ASTAN, I also have a sterling grey LTD with build date of 3-14 and ETA of 3-28 (Hope they don't get them mixed up! Ha Ha). No sticker on mine either but I do think it is early. As pointed out, it could be built any time that week.

Thanks for clarification that it is sometime that week. That's what I thought, but if it's sometime that week, it could also be 3/14 ;)

The post is more for anyone with that build date to update the rest of us when they hit those milestones - window sticker and Sync updates.

Who will be first :D

Same build date, no window sticker. Wierd, seni told me it was rolling off on 3/14. I had inquirrd on if that meant it was being built and off the assembly line on 3/14 and she said "yes".

Mine is scheduled same week also 3/14.. Black on black limited 302A... no window sticker yet and dealer estimated delivery by the week of 3/28.. order date was 2/3

My weekly update from Seni changed from build week of 3/14 to build date of 3/14 this past week. No window sticker yet for me.

Just got an update, scheduled to start production 3/14 so looks like mine is being built on the 14th. Yay!!!

limited white tricoat, 302a

Seni said ON 3-14 for me but I still think a 3-14 build date means that week. My VIN is 2500 numbers higher than some VIN'S quoted on the same build date. That seems to be a lot of cars to build in 1 day.

Seni said ON 3-14 for me but I still think a 3-14 build date means that week. My VIN is 2500 numbers higher than some VIN'S quoted on the same build date. That seems to be a lot of cars to build in 1 day.

I kind of hope you are right. I'm not sure I feel good about mine being built on the day where 5,000 others are built.

My understanding is that they dont roll down the line in order of vin. Vehicles are assigned vins and then assigned build dates with one not having anything to do with the other. Color, drivetrain and options is what designates the order of being built, not vin.

My understanding is that they dont roll down the line in order of vin. Vehicles are assigned vins and then assigned build dates with one not having anything to do with the other. Color, drivetrain and options is what designates the order of being built, not vin.

I that's what I've heard; I think we are all speculating since we are excited and want our trucks!

Anyone see their window sticker yet? I still can't view mine.

Nope, tried a few minutes ago.

I had gotten a "build week" of 3/7. I was checking and checking the windows stickers every day. As of Friday, it had not shown up. When I got into work on Monday, I clicked on the link I had saved and FINALLY the windows sticker had arrived. My ACTUAL build date is tomorrow. I am not sure the exact time the sticker was available, but it was between 5 pm Friday and 9 AM Monday EST. Take it for what it is worth. I have an ETA of 3/14 for delivery. I hope that is right because it happens to be the same day I have to turn in my lease on my Escape. Not too much longer now.


No sticker yet for me either, just checked.

Just heard from Seni today.

My X is scheduled to be built on March 18, ETA to the dealer is March 28.

All subject to change of course, but I'm keeping fingers crossed.

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