ford explore temp rises with ac | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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April 23, 2024
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2006 ford explorer XLt
i have a 2006 ford explorer and have been having two problems with it for a good while now. the first problem is that the car begins to over head when the Ac is on and the car is in idle. when i’m driving with the ac the temperature stays normal, but once i’ve been driving for a while and then get stuck in traffic or come to any stop for a couple minutes with the ac still on the temperature will start to rise to very top. it goes back down once i turn the ac off and drive and get air into the system. i’ve changed the radiator as well as the fan clutch, thermostat, put a new radiator cap and even taken the air out with one of those coolant funnels. the second problem is that i’ll be driving for a while then all of a sudden the motor shuts off on me and the oil lights comes on. (the oil levels are fine and not low) i then put the car in park and turn the car off and shut it off and start it up again and it runs like normal. any help with either would be greatly helpful.

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i have a 2006 ford explorer and have been having two problems with it for a good while now. the first problem is that the car begins to over head when the Ac is on and the car is in idle. when i’m driving with the ac the temperature stays normal, but once i’ve been driving for a while and then get stuck in traffic or come to any stop for a couple minutes with the ac still on the temperature will start to rise to very top. it goes back down once i turn the ac off and drive and get air into the system. i’ve changed the radiator as well as the fan clutch, thermostat, put a new radiator cap and even taken the air out with one of those coolant funnels. the second problem is that i’ll be driving for a while then all of a sudden the motor shuts off on me and the oil lights comes on. (the oil levels are fine and not low) i then put the car in park and turn the car off and shut it off and start it up again and it runs like normal. any help with either would be greatly helpful.
interesting. how hot is it out? I would immediately suspect fan clutch, but if you've already changed that, interesting. it will normally raise temps with AC, but it shouldn't rise enough to overheat... which fan clutch did you use? hayden makes HD ones. not saying its the issue, but when you are at a stop idling the only air passing through is whatever the fan pushes, so i would think weak fan speed.

as for your second issue, low oil pressure shouldnt shut the motor off. does the oil light mean oil pressure is low (since the engine should be running but aint?) or is that saying low oil pressure before the motor shuts off? if it shut off when hot i would suspect fuel pump maybe try testing pressure at the rail

interesting. how hot is it out? I would immediately suspect fan clutch, but if you've already changed that, interesting. it will normally raise temps with AC, but it shouldn't rise enough to overheat... which fan clutch did you use? hayden makes HD ones. not saying its the issue, but when you are at a stop idling the only air passing through is whatever the fan pushes, so i would think weak fan speed.

as for your second issue, low oil pressure shouldnt shut the motor off. does the oil light mean oil pressure is low (since the engine should be running but aint?) or is that saying low oil pressure before the motor shuts off? if it shut off when hot i would suspect fuel pump maybe try testing pressure at the rail
as for the overheating problem when i first noticed the problem i changed the fan clutch, the old one wasn’t necessarily bad or broken it was just the first idea that came to mind was change the fan clutch. and the fan clutch was bought from some parts websites online.

as for the second situation the oil light means low oil pressure. as it turns off the light comes on ( when the car is driving there is no oil light)

You might want to change the coolant temp and oil pressure sensors to rule out any issues with them. They are cheap and not difficult to replace. Since you changed the radiator and fan, these are typically the two things that can cause your problem. Maybe the coolant temp sensor periodically flakes out and causes a false temp alert. Have you had an actual boil over with the cooling system or just warnings? You can do a manual oil pressure test to insure there is not an issue with low oil pressure which I highly recommend. Also, do you have a V6 or V8 engine?

Overheating at idle but fine driving would be a flow issue through the radiator. Either air or coolant. Air would point to fan clutch (bad or weak) as @Fix4Dirt suggested or fan itself (broken blade(s) or warped. Coolant would be water pump (weak) or clog in system.

As far as the stall while driving I would check your fuel pressure. How much fuel is the tank? If you are a 1/4 or below the pump could be overheating and shutting off.

Oil light will come on when the engine stalls because there is no oil pressure when the engine isn't running.
