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Ford Fair - Who's in?

Are you going to Ford Fair?

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And a reminder that there are two car passes still availible if anyone wants to join us for a day of all things ex!

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if i bring wife (1 off) and kids ( 4 off ) do i have to pay for them all

velocity the ex is free,kids under 14 are free just u and the wife £13 each if you go online
Come and join us dude!

Mate I forgot the wife will be coming with me on the day is that another £13 I owe you?

i think it is mate yes.

i am glad to hear people are bring family ect gets abit sad with just a load of blokes sitting about comparing tyre tread depht:D

and giving it my exhaust is bigger than yours:eek:

if i bring wife (1 off) and kids ( 4 off ) do i have to pay for them all

are you bringing the ex mate or a people carrier pmsl, dam i used to have to leave some at home if possible when our 4 lived at home:D

but then i had a mk111 supra lol-bit smaller in side.

H you can get a ticket for the mrs on the door for £16 or online,£13
all the cheap tickets were with the club booking ....but as we are a club, we can get in earlyer at 7am I just read...

is it true then ex drivers are more fertile and have more jiggy jiggy ?

My jiggy left me long time now! my mojo has been loose for a while and rattles on occasion, I still have the pictures in my mind from the experiance of plenty jiggy jiggy (wife dont know tho)!


i paid for something i thought that was my pass so i take it i just need to pay for the wife

oops yes mate youve paid for your ticket.....sorry its just the wifes ticket to sort out :D

ive got tinted windows all round so ill hide her in the boot lol ..........only joking ill pay on the day just incase she dont come with me

Ok the days drawing close, what time are we getting there?
I seem to recall an idea brought to me that we should all meet up and convoy- ok for all those traveling from the south?

Maybe all us lot from the south could meet up at the London gateway on the M1 and travel in convoy. Good idea? Marty

great idea

me and my dad are going now, how do i pay for the tickets?

Any one heading down from the Midlands or up North fancy meeting somewhere to convoy onwards?

I think I'll be heading down the M40 for a short bit and then heading off towards Buckingham so could probably meet up with Howard if you fancy it?

Really looking forward to meeting everyone and showing the RS boys what a real engine looks and sounds like :D:D:D:p:




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