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Ford Fair - Who's in?

Are you going to Ford Fair?

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Elite Pickler
Elite Explorer
December 18, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 UK XLT, 99 Sport V8,
Ford Fair, sunday 3rd of august. Silverstone race circuit

I think we should try to get a stand together and remind the ford world that we still exist.

Who's in?

I am, I've shown my ka at ford fair loadsa times, it's always a good day


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I think we should have an offroading day before that if poss but it's something to aim for


Sounds like a great idea. At least it's slightly central (at least if you start where I do)

si, how do we go about getting a stand m8? sounds cool not sure my ex is ready to be a show car lol do we all park together in a different area?

Erm... I'm not quite sure how we go about getting a stand.. but we'll all be parked together somewhere inside silverstone.

As long as your car's all clean n shiny then you should be ok


si shall I enquire m8 ,see what the bobby is?

Sorry Guys

Silverstone is a wee bit away from Glasgow - so I'll give it a miss.

Enjoy though! :)

Cheers Rich.. that'd be goood..

Kenny.. make a weekend of it.. I'll be travelling down on the sunday morning from Liverpool.. you could come down to Liverpool saturday and come down with me.. then drive back to Glasgow on the monday...


Hi All,

May be able to attend, as its still tbc I wont poll till I know.

All the best


Hi there can you help,
I am asking on behalf of the uk section of the ford explorer forum.
We would like to meet up at the fair and show our cars.
What does having a stand involve,we would like to all be together,
There will be a good few explorers there,some modified and a worthy addition to the show,
We would love to attend.
Ive sent this mail to the club stand people
let you know when they reply, lets represent UK ford explorers!

Kenny.. make a weekend of it.. I'll be travelling down on the sunday morning from Liverpool.. you could come down to Liverpool saturday and come down with me.. then drive back to Glasgow on the monday...


Cheers Si, thanks for the offer, but I'll give this one a miss this time (besides my Ex is now in parts in the driveway).

Perhaps nearer the time I may change my mind!


I'm a possible - no button for that :p:

Oops - sorry make that a no - just realised I am already booked for that day :(

bruce you the the modified ex bro.....

sorry :(

bloody typical really - perfect idea, great place to meet - just wrong day for me :(

got to be here instead :rolleyes: -

Heres the forms we need to complete its dead simple IF we get our act together !
just need to know who wants to park at the stand (the number of vehical passes we need) its £11 pp and a further £5 to have a quick sprint race lol this would be the nuts just we need to book at the same time (theres one booking per club only) and do it soon so I wont be gutted... ,
so we need to sort the funds and send a group payment for Uk club ford explorer forums
or the judeins popular people front lol....

I thought we were the judean's people's front?.. whatever happened to the popular front?


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Well Rich it seems like you have it all worked out. To whom do we all send the funds to? I'm happy to be on the stand, not sure I want to race it though. Yes I hear you :D:D:D
