Ford unveils a $150,000 car | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford unveils a $150,000 car

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Way to be a year late ;)

I see they dropped the term "40" gues they didn't want to call it the "44"

actually the smart guys never copyrighted "GT40"..a shop that makes parts for them noticed this, and they copyrighted "GT40". They wanted over a million bucks for Ford to be able to use that name. So now its the GT

The GT is gonna be an awesome car, i can't wait to seem them out on the road.

For my $150,000 I would most likely buy something with a nameplate other than Ford. It looks to be a great car, but you still just have an expensive Ford.

Originally posted by mmsdrummer
For my $150,000 I would most likely buy something with a nameplate other than Ford. It looks to be a great car, but you still just have an expensive Ford.

Have you read the reviews???? That car lives up to the GT40 heritage. All the magazine's that have driven it have loved it and the motor they put in that car is pushing alot of power.

Yeah I've read the reviews. But most of the time you spend over 40 - 50K on a car, its for the image and of course excess horsepower. I'm just saying that if two cars are the same spec for spec, the exotic would stand out to most.

I'm still glad that Ford has done this though; it shows that the domestics can build a car.

Originally posted by mmsdrummer
I'm just saying that if two cars are the same spec for spec, the exotic would stand out to most.

I think thats what they are trying to fix. As soon as a domestic company builds a great car, people will start to change their minds.

And the other domestics will follow. Mabey this will generate some revenue that Ford can finally put back into their company, be it in engineering, service... or whatever. It looks like an incredible car.

Thats just

That's just a @$$ #0!É thing to say about a Ford. Especially coming from someone who ownes one. If you don't like it, just trade it off for a never-gonna-be-able-to-depend-on-it Pussy bowtie-wearing "vehicle" (POS on decent tires). If I had the choice (that is to say that kind of vehicle money (I would never spend that kind of money on a vehicle if I had it (I have other priorities)) I am a DIE HARD Ford fanatic but that is me. You don't have to like it, but remember your audience.

Originally posted by nweibley
And the other domestics will follow. Mabey this will generate some revenue that Ford can finally put back into their company, be it in engineering, service... or whatever. It looks like an incredible car.
Naw! This won't be very profitable, even Ford knows this. This car will be built to try to complete the old Ford vs. Ferrari pissing contest, not to make money. They WANT to compete at the "way over priced" level.

Sad part is that they could probably mass produce that car and sell them at about $60K and kick some major ass!

Even if this actual car doesn't generate income, don't you think the publicity and (hopeufully) brand loyalty will? Its probably a good move on their part, even if they could sell them to the masses. They will probably end up doing more 'mass' model just like the porsche boxter. Wait, that would probably be a mustang cobra. Okay lol, I dont know, but I'm guessing its probably a good move.
