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FordPass SmartLink

Remote start rocks. Especially when it’s really cold or really hot out.
The only issue is that neither heat or cold come on full until you get in and press the Start button.:(


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Actually smartlink gives remote access to much more data than sync connect. I don't know why. If you see screen shots of smartlink versus connect you will see what I mean. Personally I'd rather have smartlink for that reason. Hopefully they update the two to be the same.

It’s just like remote start with keyfob. Works great for commuters.

It's still a half-assed effort to replicate something that GM has executed extremely well for over a decade and continues to improve on. For such a tech savvy company Ford seriously sucks at their muti-media technology.

Just rent a GM with On* and MyLink or try a Dodge/Jeep/Chrysler with U-Connect and you will see well executed systems that put SYNC3 to shame.

I completely disagree. SYNC 3 is so absolutely a superior infotainment and Nav system to GM. Onstar is great but I’d gladly give it up for benefits if SYNC 3. Everyone that’s taken a ride with me agrees.

Actually smartlink gives remote access to much more data than sync connect. I don't know why. If you see screen shots of smartlink versus connect you will see what I mean. Personally I'd rather have smartlink for that reason. Hopefully they update the two to be the same.

Did some googling. I see what you mean... still a bit light for my tastes, but interesting it had battery voltage and actual real codes listed.

Just got my explorer last week. Got a nice deal on it. It is a 17' with 1000 miles on it. My question is this. I would like to get smart pass but the dealership I got it from really has no clue on how to I can get it. Maybe I am asking the wrong way but I would really like to get it any suggestions?


I completely disagree. SYNC 3 is so absolutely a superior infotainment and Nav system to GM. Onstar is great but I’d gladly give it up for benefits if SYNC 3. Everyone that’s taken a ride with me agrees.

Specifically what features do you prefer in SYNC3 or work better in SYNC3?
Maybe I'm missing something?

Voice command. Touch screen. Response time. GPS mapping. Everything is better than GMs system. Better than Audi also

Just received mine this week and installed on 2017 Ford Explorer Platinum. Got from Fairway Ford. Only dealer I can find selling online. It is a process to install on the 2017. I can send instructions. But after the Account setup and module activated, for the 2017 explorer it has to be installed as a key transponder to use the lock unlock remote start on off and horn functions. Instructions are fool proof but need someone with IDS Tool to do the key function programming. I can’t find my forscan obd wire but going to try to see if I can do myself this weekend. I did try to go to local dealer service department and minimum hour charge ($140/hr) for 2 minute programming and wanted me to leave car because they had no idea what it was.

I installed this in my 16 Edge. Same setup as the 16+ Explorer. I did have to use IDS to program the key fob portion of it. On my end reading the instructions and doing the fob programming through IDS took no more than 30 minutes. Rather straight forward. Fairway did the account setup on their end as part of purchase price of the unit which is $325 right now.

Just chiming in here. We talking about fordpass? I have it on my 2018. It's useful, but honestly not better than OnStar. Also, GM's mylink is better than sync imo. Not drastic, but GM has a slightly better setup.

An older thread but an important update. Ford has stopped selling SmartLink. I got the word from the dealer I got mine from. Further info is Ford also required all unsold units be returned. The vendor said his belief is Ford will not be restarting SmartLink sales.

Ford continues to struggle with technology and the connected vehicle. Ford Remote Access works but is rudimentary at best and lacking in features compared to U-Connect and On* They were the last OEM to the table for 4G and its had issues. I use On* and U-Connect mobile Apps daily and both are way ahead of SYNC3/FordPass, which also still has issues. I won't mention My Ford Touch.

SmartLink wasn't priced right especially when the competition has included this connectivity in their vehicles for the past decade.

Ford continues to struggle with technology and the connected vehicle. Ford Remote Access works but is rudimentary at best and lacking in features compared to U-Connect and On* They were the last OEM to the table for 4G and its had issues. I use On* and U-Connect mobile Apps daily and both are way ahead of SYNC3/FordPass, which also still has issues. I won't mention My Ford Touch.

SmartLink wasn't priced right especially when the competition has included this connectivity in their vehicles for the past decade.
I was just looking into seeing what I have to do to upgrade in my 2016 explorer base to get fordpass......are you guys saying it's not worth it or ford is discontinuing it?

Sorry I don't know why it posted 3 times

I was just looking into seeing what I have to do to upgrade in my 2016 explorer base to get fordpass......are you guys saying it's not worth it or ford is discontinuing it?

I'm not sure if your already aware but when you upgrade your 2016 Explorer from MFT to SYNC3 you don't gain any extra connectivity to the vehicle. Yes, FordPass will show your vehicle but there is no remote start, no fuel level, no tire pressures, no vehicle diagnostics if that was your purpose.

Yes SYNC3 is an improvement over MFT because of how poorly executed MFT was but please be clear on what you will gain.

Perhaps someone here who has completed that upgrade can comment.

The SYNC3 system didn't allow FordPass Smartphone connectivity until 2018 when they added the 4G modem.

I use 4G FordPass connectivity at work on a 2018 F150, its just OK.

The 4G data packages Ford offers in comparison to On* are too expensive so customer use is minimal.

You might be confusing the other In-Vehicle Connectivity System that Ford introduced for older vehicles like your 2016. This system was called SmartLink and yes, as Jason stated, it's being discontinued.

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