Ford's patented repossession computer system | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford's patented repossession computer system


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

In the patent application, Ford describes the use of a "repossession system computer" that can facilitate the process, which starts out with some minor annoyances that would cause "discomfort" to the vehicle owner. If a driver ignores warnings about their missing payments, the process would begin with the computer disabling functionality of features like cruise control, GPS, air conditioning, and the radio. The computer could also prompt the car to start emitting an "incessant and unpleasant sound" whenever the driver is there.

If the owner still doesn't act on the missing payments warning, the computer will really raise the stakes. The car may lock its owner out, with some caveats. In one example scenario, the patent application said the computer might prompt a lockout during the weekends only so as not to affect the owner's ability to work during the weekdays to earn money to "make payments towards the vehicle."

Alternatively, the car might define a "geofence" around the driver's home, and the person would only be able to use the car within those parameters; in some cases, the owner's driving could be further limited to certain days or even certain times of day, according to the filing.

If the owner is still behind on payments at this point, the car may take some pretty drastic action. It may autonomously drive itself to a spot "convenient for a tow truck to tow the vehicle." It could also drive itself to a repossession agency, lending institution, or impound lot. In yet another case, the repossession system computer may communicate with the computer of the lending institution to identify the car's market value. If it would cost more to repossess the car than the car is worth, the vehicle could even drive itself to a scrapyard.

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In the patent application, Ford describes the use of a "repossession system computer" that can facilitate the process, which starts out with some minor annoyances that would cause "discomfort" to the vehicle owner. If a driver ignores warnings about their missing payments, the process would begin with the computer disabling functionality of features like cruise control, GPS, air conditioning, and the radio. The computer could also prompt the car to start emitting an "incessant and unpleasant sound" whenever the driver is there.

If the owner still doesn't act on the missing payments warning, the computer will really raise the stakes. The car may lock its owner out, with some caveats. In one example scenario, the patent application said the computer might prompt a lockout during the weekends only so as not to affect the owner's ability to work during the weekdays to earn money to "make payments towards the vehicle."

Alternatively, the car might define a "geofence" around the driver's home, and the person would only be able to use the car within those parameters; in some cases, the owner's driving could be further limited to certain days or even certain times of day, according to the filing.

If the owner is still behind on payments at this point, the car may take some pretty drastic action. It may autonomously drive itself to a spot "convenient for a tow truck to tow the vehicle." It could also drive itself to a repossession agency, lending institution, or impound lot. In yet another case, the repossession system computer may communicate with the computer of the lending institution to identify the car's market value. If it would cost more to repossess the car than the car is worth, the vehicle could even drive itself to a scrapyard.
:eek: that's just vehicular suicide! frankly id be pretty sad if a truck drove itself to a scrapyard. not sure id like that, lol! what happens if it does that without being behind on payments

I guess I'm old school. 4 wheels, a seat and a working drive train is all I need. Doesn't have to look pretty.

What if somebody figures out how to hack into this system, and uses it against a neighbor that is a nuisance?
You could say the same about self driving cars.

Smart on Ford's part to patent emerging technology. I don't see this being put into any vehicles in the next 5, even 10 years but the patent covers 20 years I believe and by then this technology is very likely to be refined and put into vehicles and perhaps even licensed to other manufacturers.

If the owner is still behind on payments at this point, the car may take some pretty drastic action. It may autonomously drive itself to a spot "convenient for a tow truck to tow the vehicle." It could also drive itself to a repossession agency, lending institution, or impound lot. In yet another case, the repossession system computer may communicate with the computer of the lending institution to identify the car's market value. If it would cost more to repossess the car than the car is worth, the vehicle could even drive itself to a scrapyard.

Imagine the legalities coming out of this scenario where the vehicle kills a busload full of nuns. Who owns it and was "driving" at that point? The person behind on payments? The bank or lending institution? The repossession company? Ford itself?

Oh and I think it means push itself to a scrapyard - I'd like to see it try :D

Smart on Ford's part to patent emerging technology. I don't see this being put into any vehicles in the next 5, even 10 years but the patent covers 20 years I believe and by then this technology is very likely to be refined and put into vehicles and perhaps even licensed to other manufacturers.

Imagine the legalities coming out of this scenario where the vehicle kills a busload full of nuns. Who owns it and was "driving" at that point? The person behind on payments? The bank or lending institution? The repossession company? Ford itself?

Oh and I think it means push itself to a scrapyard - I'd like to see it try :D
at this ford practically owns the car LOL! i mean or is it the lender? since theyre the one on the loan? what happens if the owner is in the car and wont let it go? if its in a garage?

at this ford practically owns the car LOL! i mean or is it the lender? since theyre the one on the loan? what happens if the owner is in the car and wont let it go? if its in a garage?
I guess you've never seen the movie Maximum Overdrive.

I guess you've never seen the movie Maximum Overdrive.
No, but I have seen the movie "Christine" LOL. I'm thinking more than a few people would avoid buying a vehicle with this lovely "feature"! And what if it locks you out, drives away, etc. with your dog or child in the car?

No, but I have seen the movie "Christine" LOL. I'm thinking more than a few people would avoid buying a vehicle with this lovely "feature"! And what if it locks you out, drives away, etc. with your dog or child in the car?
I think it would be cool to watch someone almost grab the door handle then the car pulls up a few feet making the person chase the car.

I think it would be cool to watch someone almost grab the door handle then the car pulls up a few feet making the person chase the car.

That dude is a sin to nice cars. Funny content but watching him destroy a brand new vehicle for views is kinda painful.

That dude is a sin to nice cars. Funny content but watching him destroy a brand new vehicle for views is kinda painful.
true true, it is painful to watch especially the anylevel f350! that one was basically new! though for that scene in particular i heard that there was someone in there to keep it from getting destroyed, though cant confirm personally. just thought it was somewhat relevant, lol! wondering if itd go like thay
