forward clutch slipping - replace | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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forward clutch slipping - replace


New Member
November 15, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Ranger 4.0 4X4 Offroad
I read this site and it is promising that maybe the slipping is caused by something not in the tranny but in the VB board. I was hoping with some luck that my tranny would not need a major overhaul.

Symptoms: truck is slipping when going into first and delayed slip when going into reverse. No error codes flashing. Tranny fluid not too dirty and does not smell burnt. 94K on 4.0 4X4 Auto.

It has been looked at and verdict was that forward clutch is slipping and needs to be take the tranny out. No VB issues as no codes are showing.

Would I be wasting my time to change the fluid and to replace the EPC? Is there something else I should look at or is this just as simple as time to pull the tranny.

Thanks for any advice someone may have.

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Also. If I ****f the car from R to D, drive slips, but if I shift from R to L then there is no slip.

I was looking at a sticky and found this statement. I was hoping that somehow I would be part of the 90%.

I might sound like a broken record but it is my opinion that a VB overhaul along with installation of the service kit and a NEW EPC solenoid will correct about 90% of all problems with these transmissions.

I can't assume to know what your mechanic did to diagnose the problem, but...

Has anyone hooked a pressure guage to the tranny...may be a fluid pressure problem.

Also, I would adjust the bands before pulling the tranny adjustment could be causing part of the problems.


J...just a few suggestions.
