FRAM filters---bad investment | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FRAM filters---bad investment


Well-Known Member
February 22, 2008
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City, State
Dawsonville, Ga
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
well i changed my oil today before leaving to go back to school. (last week before christmas btw) everything went fine except the previous owner had it serivced at a shop. so i almost had to use impact wrench to get drain plug an filter off. everything went normal. by the time i got to school, all my oil had drained and i was getting horrible top end knock. i was praying the engine wouldnt lock up or i wouldnt have any damage. im still hoping i didnt damage gauge was jumping around like crazy i didnt realize i was loosing oil.

somehow the filter is off center? it is about 1/4'' offset to the passenger side. i guess when oil pressure built up, it leaked out through the filter. i do not know how i did not damage my engine, i drove nearly 250 miles. i hope i didnt. i guess i will find out tomorrow. i am going to get a MOTORCRAFT filter tomorrow an hope for the best :thumbsup:

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try a wix i have had nothing but good luck with em

well i changed my oil today before leaving to go back to school. (last week before christmas btw) everything went fine except the previous owner had it serivced at a shop. so i almost had to use impact wrench to get drain plug an filter off. everything went normal. by the time i got to school, all my oil had drained and i was getting horrible top end knock. i was praying the engine wouldnt lock up or i wouldnt have any damage. im still hoping i didnt damage gauge was jumping around like crazy i didnt realize i was loosing oil.

somehow the filter is off center? it is about 1/4'' offset to the passenger side. i guess when oil pressure built up, it leaked out through the filter. i do not know how i did not damage my engine, i drove nearly 250 miles. i hope i didnt. i guess i will find out tomorrow. i am going to get a MOTORCRAFT filter tomorrow an hope for the best :thumbsup:

you probably did serious damage to your main and rod bearings, no oil = metal on metal contact which = destruction. replacing them may be in you're future.

then again you may get lucky and it'll be fine for a million miles!

ugh..i hope not. i rly cant afford anything like that now. time or money wise. hopefully i wasnt without enough oil for too long..

has anyone else had this problem? bad seal at the filter?

Your old filter gasket was probably still stuck to the block.

no it was clean...the filter was good an snug. but it was like it was offset. i think i would have realized anything extreme when installing it but idk

You sure you didnt bend or damage anything when you almost had to use an impact wrench to get the filter off? Cauz that might be the cause of an improper seal.

i hope not...i was aware of everything i did even when i was applying alot of muscle. but i will give it more look tomorrow. hard to do with just a flashlight. i just hope i dont have to add rod bearings to my christmas list..

I use Amsoil Eoa oil filters they are the best! And I have the oil analysis chart to prove it.

so what are my chances of valvetrain damage?

I have heard some stories of engines running for a while bit with no oil and not self distrusting.

In your case there is only one way to find out...

i guess we shall find out tomorrow. i hope i can at least limp back home.

Sounds like you have the OHV? I would suspect that this engine would fair better off without oil than the SOHC, since the SOHC has just that, the cams above the valves with 3 long timing chains. Whereas the OHV just has 1 short timing chain.

yea this is my second OHV. no complaints. this would be a true test though to see whats gonna happen when i start it tomorrow.

I've run my truck with only about quart of coolant in it (2 gallons req.) due to a huge water pump failure. It ran rough and started pinging, but it made the 2 mile trip home. I can't imagine what possible damage could have happened to my without oil. Fingers crossed for you man! :D

thanks man! ive got mine crossed too

My 5.0L (ohv) has been through some low/no oil hell and .. for the most part runs great. I just need to keep an eye on things.

well im still thinkin i had some oil in didnt knock horribly or lock up

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There's not much you can do ... you can tear apart the engine and look for damages... but other than that... get a quality filter, some good synthetic and drive.. Good Luck. I doubt you did any serious damage if it runs smoothly now.
