Freshly Installed MyFord Touch - MFT Performance Upgrade | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Freshly Installed MyFord Touch - MFT Performance Upgrade


October 16, 2011
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I installed the long awaited performance upgrade for the MFT system this morning including the NAV card. Overall my first impression is pretty good. The first thing I noticed besides the new clean look and feel was the speed of everything. For the first time since I bought my Explorer I was able to use voice commands to make a call immediately after starting her up. That used to take 3-5 minutes before. I like the new look and layout as well. Everything seems much cleaner and easier to use.

With all this being said it didn't take but two times driving it today before I had a failure. I was showing off the speed improvements when leaving home to go to dinner I did this by trying to make a call immediately after starting the car and driving. I was in reverse when I hit the MFT button and the system froze with the four corners visible over the rear camera view. The system stayed that way even after restarting the car twice. It remained frozen all the way to the restaurant and with the whole vehicle off MFT stayed on. It was back to normal after dinner. I keep my fingers crossed that this isn't an indicator of whats to come.

The first photo shows the image I had while backing out of the driveway. It held that image the whole time I was driving to go eat. The second photo was in the parking lot of the restaurant showing my driveway. Notice everything in the car is off and MFT is still on.


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Wow, let's us know what happens as you use it

Aargh. Hope it's just one isolated incident and not a precursor of what's to come.

So far I have not been able to duplicate this so I hope its an isolated incident. I am still liking everything else so far.

If Ford wanted real beta testing done, they should have allowed us enthusiast to test it.

I installed the long awaited performance upgrade for the MFT system this morning including the NAV card. Overall my first impression is pretty good. The first thing I noticed besides the new clean look and feel was the speed of everything. For the first time since I bought my Explorer I was able to use voice commands to make a call immediately after starting her up. That used to take 3-5 minutes before. I like the new look and layout as well. Everything seems much cleaner and easier to use.

With all this being said it didn't take but two times driving it today before I had a failure. I was showing off the speed improvements when leaving home to go to dinner I did this by trying to make a call immediately after starting the car and driving. I was in reverse when I hit the MFT button and the system froze with the four corners visible over the rear camera view. The system stayed that way even after restarting the car twice. It remained frozen all the way to the restaurant and with the whole vehicle off MFT stayed on. It was back to normal after dinner. I keep my fingers crossed that this isn't an indicator of whats to come.

The first photo shows the image I had while backing out of the driveway. It held that image the whole time I was driving to go eat. The second photo was in the parking lot of the restaurant showing my driveway. Notice everything in the car is off and MFT is still on.

Not sure if you did this or not, but keep in mind that simply turning off the car and turning it back on does not turn off the system. You have to turn off the car, open the door, close the door, and then wait until the lights on the dash shut off.

do you know if we get applink with the update?

I have had this problem before and if this is the only glitch, it is annoying but not a big deal. It has happened to me 2x in the 10 months I have owned the car and the problem clears itself after a long while (less than a day but more than 10 minutes).

Now that someone has received the update, I will be checking the mail with a lot more interest.

@2k11Explorer...thanks for the update. I have been eagerly checking the interwebs for news of this update. For a while I thought it was like big foot...lots of talk about it, but no proof it existed. How did oyu get it installed, yourself (in the mail) or the dealer?

That used to take 3-5 minutes before. I like the new look and layout as well. Everything seems much cleaner and easier to use.
How many phone contacts? Is your phone address book set to auto update?

With all this being said it didn't take but two times driving it today before I had a failure. I was showing off the speed improvements when leaving home to go to dinner I did this by trying to make a call immediately after starting the car and driving.

If Ford wanted real beta testing done, they should have allowed us enthusiast to test it.
Yep. How many (dozen) people made THAT suggestion? #fellondeafears

so I installed the update last nite....and WOW! I can't believe the difference in speed! I am also noticing a drastic improvement in touch screen responsiveness. I have no nav because I don't have the maps SD, so I can't comment on that. I believe ford has a winner.

Not sure if you did this or not, but keep in mind that simply turning off the car and turning it back on does not turn off the system. You have to turn off the car, open the door, close the door, and then wait until the lights on the dash shut off.
This is exactly what I did to no avail.

do you know if we get applink with the update?
Not that I can see.

@2k11Explorer...thanks for the update. I have been eagerly checking the interwebs for news of this update. For a while I thought it was like big foot...lots of talk about it, but no proof it existed. How did oyu get it installed, yourself (in the mail) or the dealer?
The dealer loaned me their thumb drive and the service manager gave me a nav card. I did the update myself.

How many phone contacts? Is your phone address book set to auto update?
200 or so and yes it updates. I am using the same settings now and 'm perfectly happy with this now.

All in all so far I cant duplicate this and I have nothing bad to say about everything else it does. My hats off so far I just wish Ford would have been more proactive on the development of MFT. I will keep my fingers crossed that this is the fix we've all been waiting for.

1) I just completed the update.. took almost exactly 60 minutes, and the system runs much smoother since. I immediately did a master reset after the update just to ensure no bad data was there to cause any problems.

2) I have gone through the cab and zip files in the distro. Ford is definitely still using Flash Lite, so I have a feeling that as we start using the system more we are going to see various processor related bugs and speed issues crop up. I hope I'm wrong, but I think Flash is hideous and am surprised they stuck with Flash for the vast majority of the system.

3) As of right now I have had no issues, and can't reproduce the OP's screens either. *crossing fingers*

I haven't had any serious issues either, but I guess I'm not seeing the dramatic speed increase that everyone talks about. It does seem to start up quicker, but after that the acreen to screen times seem pretty much the same to me, fancy fade in/fade out aside. I've even still had some of those, press the button, hear the bonk, and nothing happens for a full two seconds type of things.

The only outright glitches I've seen are that occasionally when changing from, say FM to BT Audio, the audio itself will switch to bluetooth but the screen will still have the FM interface displayed. Clicking back to FM then back to BT will usually cause the screen to update. I've experienced this a couple of times.

The only outright glitches I've seen are that occasionally when changing from, say FM to BT Audio, the audio itself will switch to bluetooth but the screen will still have the FM interface displayed. Clicking back to FM then back to BT will usually cause the screen to update. I've experienced this a couple of times.[/QUOTE]

As long as bluetooth audio works (which it doesn't for me more than half the time I try). Did you have bluetooth audio problems before the update? If so, any problems with blutooth audio not working (the audio part, not what the screen says)?

This and my nav problems are issues 1 and 1A for me. I can live with the USB audio problems if these are fixed.

As long as bluetooth audio works (which it doesn't for me more than half the time I try). Did you have bluetooth audio problems before the update? If so, any problems with blutooth audio not working (the audio part, not what the screen says)?.

Yeah, I had BT audio problems before the update. The phone would always connect and work fine, but BT Audio streaming was hit and miss. 80% of the time it'd work fine, but the other 20% it would simply not work, despite the phone being connected. It could be working fine, then I'd sop somewhere for 10 minutes, get back into the car and BT audio just wouldn't play no matter what I tried. I'd stop somewhere else for a few minutes, get back in the car and it'd be working again. Really annoying.

Since this update I have not experienced that, but then again it's a fresh install only 24 hours old, and I haven't been in and out of the vehicle that much. But so far BT Audio has worked each time I fired it up.

Since this update I have not experienced that, but then again it's a fresh install only 24 hours old, and I haven't been in and out of the vehicle that much. But so far BT Audio has worked each time I fired it up.

Spoke too soon. That same thing just happened. Was listening to an audiobook over BT, stopped for 5 minutes at a Subway, and when I got back into the EX BT audio refused to connect. The phone was connected, but BT audio was non-functional. Same old, same old.

Seems to happen most often when I've been out of the car for only a brief time. Oh well. At least the screens fade in and out.

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I haven't had any serious issues either, but I guess I'm not seeing the dramatic speed increase that everyone talks about. It does seem to start up quicker, but after that the acreen to screen times seem pretty much the same to me, fancy fade in/fade out aside. I've even still had some of those, press the button, hear the bonk, and nothing happens for a full two seconds type of things.

The only outright glitches I've seen are that occasionally when changing from, say FM to BT Audio, the audio itself will switch to bluetooth but the screen will still have the FM interface displayed. Clicking back to FM then back to BT will usually cause the screen to update. I've experienced this a couple of times.

What type of media device are you using? Phone? IPad??
