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Friend from high school died today

Glad you got there alright mate.

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just got in i went to the memorial service and then after that we all went out to a resturant and the food was good. i saw some fimilar faces at the service. they had an open casket for my friend vince that died. but otherwise than that it was nice seeing fimilar faces and i gave his family his regards from you guys and they said thank you.

now i am at my parents place relaxin just got in not to long ago.

Glad you made it through ok Sam. Good time to just chill and de-stress, as that had to be a stressful situation even with familiar faces around, even though that probably helped a lot.

yeah i bumped into some of my old football buddies i havent seen for awhile. i am supposed to be hanging out with some of them tommorrow and i am going to bring my gf along with me.

Sam, although the circumstances aren't ideal, it must be nice to see your old buddies again.

true i had a fun time today with some of my old football buddies from high school. but the funny thing is when we were hanging out there was an earthquake it was a 4.2 on the ritcher scale. i didnt feel it but some of my football buddies and my gf felt it.

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